
Feb 06, 2015 20:07

Yesterday's Happy: I started watching Sons of Liberty. Despite the historical inaccuracies (I'm sorry, Samuel Adams was a good dozen years older than his cousin, John, not the other way around) it was cool. I'll try to watch the rest this weekend but I got tired and the had to watch The Shot Heard Round the World and other videos of revolutionary stuff *g*.

Today's Happy: It's Friday and I already have all the stuff done for Sunday's service so tomorrow I can write and watch bball all day. I went to the doctor and my insurance worked and I only had to pay $25 instead of $132. And my BP was 126/64. And, as long as I don't have any recurrences of the colitis in the next few weeks (now that I'm off the steroids), I should be in remission and don't have to see him till August.

He also told me something interesting. Bad infections can make blood sugar go up.

I had a good two or three years of gallstones before I went to the ER where they diagnosed me as diabetic and took out my gallbladder because it was badly infected (the surgeon called it rotten) and had been for a while. At the same time I'd probably had the colitis for a couple years that that went on untreated for nearly two more. It's a massive infection.

Unlike most people in the world, my blood sugar went down on steroids. It's almost normal. And, let's be honest--I eat carbs, I eat sugary foods. I take my meds and insulin but otherwise I'm very bad.

The infections are gone. I'm healed.

It's possible I'm not actually diabetic. I'm very interested to see what my A1C is in six weeks. Especially since I have got to diet up till then, not because of the diabetes, but because my clothes are getting tighter. :P

Oh, that's annoyance #9--why can't we just eat whatever we want and never gain weight or get flabby or anything? In other words, why isn't HSU real?????

happy meme, doctor, diabetes, stupid body

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