
Feb 03, 2015 19:43

The game was quite good. We didn't blow them away but we obviously learned from our mistakes in the game at Ames and got back on transition. We have some gorgeous shooters on our team; there are six legitimate three point shooters in the eight or so regular players. Anyway, we won. After only scoring nine points or so in the first eight minutes we ended up scoring eighty nine overall, and would have hit a hundred if we hadn't missed so many damn free throws! Luckily ISU shot even worse from the line.

My new furnace was very loud but I figured I'd get used to it.

Watched a couple tv shows, including a Bones ep from before Christmas, turned down the heat to 63 degrees and went to bed around 12:30.

Woke up and got dressed and wondered why I wasn't hearing the furnace kick on. Went downstairs and fed the cats and took my pills and made my lunch and went upstairs to kick the thermostat up a degree.

No furnace.

The temperature was reading 62.


For once I was going to be on time to work but ended up being ten minutes late after I fiddled with the thermostat and finally gave up.

As boss went to lunch with other attorney, I scooted home. It was 53 degrees outside.

It was 60 in my house. I went to the furnace thinking maybe the pilot light had gone out, and took off the front covers and couldn't see the pilot light. As I put them back on, the furnace came on, so I went upstairs and put my hand over a vent and it was warm but no fan.

And it was making a lot of noise and starting to smell weird. I turned off the furnace and called the HAC dudes. I had to go back to work but I arranged for dad to meet someone there at 2:30.

Turns out they set the motor too high and it burned out! It has a shut off safety feature which is what happened sometime before I got up this morning. No clue how I got it restarted. Luckily I went home at lunch or I'd be at my parents' again for the night as I wouldn't have found this until after hours, but they were able to replace the motor and put in some kind larger return duct as the furnace is bigger than the old one and that wasn't helping either. For free, of course, as it was their fault.

I ran home at 4:00 before my manicure and he was finishing up and while I was there the heat came back on, blowing nicely, and much quieter.

After my manicure (red with black crackle layer over the top) I ran home again and bumped the temp up to 65 and it came on and ran quietly and blew nicely. Also fed Elektra as she was hiding when I came home the first time and fed Raine. Two days in a row with mens in her house, poor dear.

Out at my parents' now watching Oklahoma trounce West Virginia.

Due to being stressed out all afternoon, all I ate before dinner was a diet breakfast sandwich and an apple in the middle of the afternoon.

Really, I should live a life of stress--I'd lose weight. Unlike everyone else in the world, I don't stress eat. On Sunday I was on the edge of a panic attack most of the day and didn't eat until dinner time.

I rarely get a whole preview for a show as my DVR tends to switch over to another program, so I missed most of the one for tonight's Agent Carter, but I saw an ad last night and I was so right. When her neighbor did that leg body climb thing, my first thought was "Natasha!"

I'll watch that and Flash tonight, maybe a few other things. Hopefully in warmth and quiet. I'm completely paranoid now, of course.

So, Monday's happy is that dad is paying for the furnace without me even asking him which is very nice because I don't have $1700, and that KU won handily over ISU--once we got a lead over ten I think we let them get to nine once.

Today's is funky fingernails keep me young.

Also, my manicurist is involved in the Headstart program the President visited (her three year old daughter goes there) and was there but only a couple teachers were allowed to meet him and the rest of the employees had to stay upstairs, but since she doesn't work there she went outside and across the street and video taped him arriving and then got a great pic of him coming out waving and basically looking right at her. Too cool!

Well, need to work.

Oh and it's still supposed to snow three inches tomorrow... :P

manicure, stupid house, cool stuff, stupid weather

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