sorry, been lazy

Dec 27, 2014 11:38

But then being lazy is a perk of staycation,right?

In annoying news, what is up with me and space bars? First I completely fracked the one on my laptop and now the one on my wireless keyboard either doesn't give me a space or gives me two or three. Makes typing a bit difficult. Luckily in Word Perfect, I can set it to give me only one space.

So...I think I'll go type the rest of this there and cut and paste.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Mine was enjoyable and relaxing. Parents came over about 8:00 and we opened prezzies for a couple hours. I got Guardians of the Galaxy dvd, a couple cds, the set of Maze Runner books, a new rice cooker (as mine is very old and the lid clasp doesn't stay shut), a Victorian print, Xmen: No More Humans, some pjs and an extra pj top (love that you can buy separates), an incredibly soft and warm robe I'm wearing right now, new slippers, some candles, a Kwan Yin statue, "Keep Calm and Bake On" hotpads (my hotpads are disgusting--burned and stained), this gorgeous Victorian style velvet purse, and some red lacy ankle socks. Plus some bits and bobs. Oh, and a "distressed" gray and black nightstand to replace the old one I have which is falling apart. I'd seen it at a vintage/decorating shop a couple weeks ago. Oh, and pink snowmen flannel sheets I need to put on the bed as it's going to get really cold by next week.

I made pecan pancakes with apple topping for brunch. Mom had stomach issues, so dad and I were the only ones to go to the movie. Night at the Museum 3 was fun and cute but, sorry, no triceratops bones at the British Museum. *g* They did film there, though, and I squeed when the Eligin Marbles came to life. When the lions came to life in Trafalgar Square, I really thought the stupid blue chicken should have as well and they could have eaten it. *g*

I came home and wrote my SPN J2 (except it was Dean/Cas) fic which was received well by the recipient.

Both my Yuletide fics got read and commented on by their recipients. I got a lovely Penny Dreadful one with Ethan as a werewolf, which I finally had time to read yesterday.

Friday I slept in till all of 8:00 and dawdled around before going and get my prescriptions and then meeting Amy at church to run through my solo. I'm again, as last year, singing "Do You Want To Know A Secret" by the Beatles. I then went to Target to get a new heating pad, some croissants, and check out the left over Christmas stuff. There wasn't much! More card choices this year, less wrapping paper and bows, and no tags at all. It also wasn't anymore crowded than a usual late afternoon weekday. Weird.

I napped some in the afternoon, read a lot of fanfic, spent an hour or so trying to find the Winter Soldier dvd for dad only to realize maybe I don't own it, and did put away all the lose dvds. I made chicken and rice casserole for dinner, and, since I went through the dvds, watched my favorite Bab 5 ep--y'know, the one where Delenn rides in and shoos away the Earth Gov forces. *g*

I actually read the instructions for my new heating pad and apparently I've been doing it all wrong. You're not supposed to take off the cover, fold it, sit on it, crush it under you, oh, and diabetics aren't supposed to use it!



Slept in a bit again this morning (well, 8:30). Read some fanfic, ate croissants for breakfast, started laundry, now watching Georgetown/Indiana bball. I'll get to watch most of the Kentucky/Louisville game (maybe the only chance KY has to lose) and, if it's close, I'll tape the end, as we're going to the 3:15 Hobbit.

Then I'm making chili for dinner and hopefully writing. Goal for staycation is write my ass off and watch all the stuff on my DVR, about three hours a day. The only new shows I have coming up are CSI and Librarians tomorrow, Hawaii 5-O on Friday, and regular new shows the following Sunday. I already failed last night as I watched several eps of the Simpsons and then the Bab 5 ep.

Plus there's lots of football starting Monday (as in Big 12 bowl games). And brother and nephew are coming into town and we're going to the Tuesday night bball game against Kent State.

So, happies:

Thursday: Christmas. My favorite holiday.

Friday: Chicken and rice casserole turned out perfect--sometimes the rice doesn't cook enough or the chicken gets really dry.

Today: the sun is shining, a real rarity this last week.

happy meme, yuletide, christmas, prezzies, staycation, tv blather, shopping

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