Dec 18, 2014 23:22
Though a happy one.
Six months ago, right before I started on the steroids, my A1C level (blood sugar) shot up to around 7. That's bad. Normal is under 5.6. Since being diagnosed as a diabetic the lowest mine has gotten was back then when I was barely eating anything and I think it was around 5.7. Three months ago, right after I started taking the second round of steroids, it dropped to around 6.5, still not good, but then steroids make the blood sugar skyrocket, so that it dropped a few points was actually good.
Today I got the results of my blood tests. Okay, I fasted, but then I usually don't eat breakfast before the blood draw anyway and so what if I didn't have a ten o'clock snack the night before, I expected my A1C to be bad, really bad. I haven't dieted, have eaten crap and lots of carbs.
It's 5.9.
I haven't been below 6 in two years.
I'm the only diabetic on steroids in the world whose A1C goes DOWN!
My iron count also went up a bit to 9.9. Still not great as 12 is normal, but the doctor's pleased with both. And I discovered in a quick google search that low iron counts can make the blood sugar go up so that may be why it was so high six months ago when I was severely anemic.
So, confused but happy.
I finished the rough draft of the one fic, go me. I'll edit it and upload it tomorrow at work and then I can still fiddle with it before the 24th.
Oh, we only got about an inch of snow and it warmed up enough during the day that it all melted off the streets, driveways and sidewalks. So no need to shovel the shit. Though people were doing that this morning. We have 48 hours to do so; the forecast showed 40s by tomorrow so I figured it would melt. Kind of pointless snow again.
City hauled away the dumpster despite the snow, though.
Mom and I went to see the local production of Mary Poppins. It was good, cute and sweet. "Step In Time" with tapdancing was fantastic, and they used a harness for flying which was very impressive.
Then I came home and watched the end of Ascension, and WTF??????
kind of want more now!
I have to go to work a bit early to finish the Order of Service, so I think I'll go to bed. Exciting.
stupid weather,
tv blather,
stupid body