weekend update

Dec 07, 2014 22:53

Oh look, I'm channeling SNL.

Let's see, the first half of KU v. Florida on Friday night was a travesty, a disaster, etc. etc. We were behind fifteen at the half.

Then we whittled our way from eighteen down to win by six because that's what we do at home. :)

I'm hoping it was a learning experience. Better than a blow out or easy win. To struggle from that far down and dominate the last fifteen minutes says something.

On the game post on phognet people were blaming the presence of the new football coach. *snort* Apparently the sky is falling because of the hire.

Whatever. KU football is NEVER going to be the thing here. Basketball is king.

On Saturday I dragged myself to the post office and got there two minutes before it opened and was still ten people back. Worst thing about the holiday season.

Then I watched football and basketball and read fanfic and dithered over writing anything until I finally vomited out a couple hurt/comfort bingo fics that I have yet to edit and post.

This morning I slept in, dragged myself to church which was a cute play in which the wives of the three wisemen gave the baby useful things like food and pillows and blankets, came home and finally started a fic due by the end of the day, then watched the Chiefs dominate for nearly three quarters and then suck and lose, before writing more, eating dinner and watching the Simpsons, before finishing the fic with a couple hours to spare. 3500 words, and I'm pretty happy with it. Still rough and may add a bit but it's complete as is. Also got stuff ordered for nephew and sis-in-law and have a couple ideas for brother. Tomorrow I'm hitting up Penneys after work and then ordering stuff for the parents' depending on what I get there, if anything.

Oh, and the Big 12, by not having a conference championship in football because, despite the name, we only have ten teams, screwed itself out of a spot in the playoffs. The board is screaming for adding two teams, pretty much any two teams. We did get seven of the ten in bowl games, all from December 29 on so good ones.

I've kept up with feedbacking someone every day. :) I have a few more things to babble about, though nothing until later this week, so go give me ideas.

Also, I plan to do my holiday cards this coming weekend, so please get me your address if you haven't already. :) Overseas is fine, too, and you don't need to reciprocate.

Yesterday's happy was that I discovered that TNT was airing all three Librarian movies today so I don't have to pay for them on Amazon. :) I probably won't get to any of them or the new show until the holidays as I have 49 1/2 hours currently on my DVR which is only 14% full. God I love this new DVR brand. The old one, that many hours would have filled it. And I've lost power a couple times and haven't had the thing wipe clean.

Today's happy certainly wasn't the Chiefs (and I've now worn my Chiefs tshirt for the last three losses and it's going in the closet once it's washed). I'll go with getting the fic done.

I still have to make a list of everything I need to do before Christmas. I did get all the wrapping stuff into the dining room ready to go. I need to wrap stuff tomorrow so I can mail my Secret Ho package on Tuesday before work and so I can take the few things I bought nephew and sis-in-law over to mom so she can add it to her UPS package.

Oh, I figured out I have another symptom of steroid use--thin skin. What I thought was a burn on my left arm last week wasn't. It was me scratching and bringing blood to the surface as I did it to my right arm on Friday night. *sigh* At least the itching is mostly gone. Still hoping it's a wool thing and not a pill thing.

Dad and I were going shopping this Thursday after work but we now have a special choir practice (for our concert this Sunday as our pianist couldn't do it Saturday morning) so we're going Saturday morning after I get my hair cut and colored. Weather's supposed to be in the 40s and lower 50s for the next week, so that's good and the holiday parade downtown was yesterday so we won't run into that like we did one year. We have the only holiday horse parade in the midwest. The only time I've been to it was that year and it was inadvertent.

Well, probably should watch some tv or edit these fics or write more or read something...

church, ku basketball, writing, chiefs suck, shopping, happy meme, holiday poll, football, stupid body

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