weird couple of days

Nov 14, 2014 13:23

Wednesday was going along okay. I'd been working on my polybigbang. I was pleased with my rose gold/light bronze manicure. I even trundled off to court and had a discussion about the stupidity of making us efile everything and use Word which I hate because apparently their system can't handle RTF files unlike every other system in the world.

My face was still very red but I was sure it was windburn.

I went off to my pedicure and while there wondered why there were red splotches all over my feet (the water wasn't hot; no new products being used) and my feet were bright red. Looking up my legs there were splotches all over as well as on my chest and stomach. None on my arms.

None of the itched except for my face and I blamed that on the powder I'd slathered on in an attempt to hide some of the redness.

I hadn't eaten anything new, hadn't switched soaps or detergents or anything, and I've never been allergic to anything like that anyway which made me worry about the one new thing introduced into my system--the sulfa drug.

Anyway, the red started to fade by the end of the pedicure and I felt fine, so went to choir practice where we ran through all the Christmas songs.

Got most of the fic done and sent off and approved, so yay!

Did not sleep all that well and woke up not feeling great--very dragging and congested and oh, look, feverish.

So...a cold. I had a ton of work to do (due to spending a lot of time ficcing) so I dragged myself to work and lasted about four hours before heading home where I dozed a lot while watching espn and nfl network programming. I had stopped at DQ and got some lunch and then didn't eat anything the rest of the day. Fever was low grade and came and went.

(Have I mentioned that it's bitterly cold outside too which doesn't help?)

Yesterday's happy was that my county issued the first gay marriage licenses and marriages were held. :) There's still legal crap going on, but there was a ruling by Judge Sodameyer on cases directly concerning my county and Sedgwick (where Wichita is) so people can get married there. Other counties are doing so as well. Of course the state government will fight tooth and nail until the Supreme Court overturns the constitutional ban in Kansas, spending our tax money stupidly as it's a lost cause.

Woke up feeling better today. I forgot my thermometer but I don't think I've had a fever. I'm not as draggy. Still sniffly and coughing a bit and my eyes have been itching and heavy feeling all week. Not as blotchy either. I stopped taking the sulfa drug and will restart it tomorrow and see what happens. If it's the reason, I'm screwed. I can't afford the non-generic nor can I swallow the and they're time release so I can't chop them up.

KU basketball starts tonight for real so I'm wearing my "Addicted to KU Basketball" tshirt--I usually don't were sports t-shirts to work. So that's today's happy.

I plan to hole punch and organize files this afternoon while catching up on Once Upon a Time. Exciting.

It's supposed to snow tomorrow. 90% chance. 1-4 inches. TOO FUCKING EARLY! I am SO glad I went to last week's football game and not this week's.

Oh, did I mention that on Tuesday I got a phone call from KU Athletics asking if I'd enjoyed the game and, of course, if I want to buy season tickets for next year which I'm still seriously thinking about The price is the same as this year through January 18 (and for one more game than this year).

Gas is down to $2.75 in town. Weird. I filled the tank yesterday, saving 30 cents a gallon using my grocery card.

Yuletide swaps have gone out. I've heard from my drink and book sender and heard back from my drink recipient but haven't heard back from my book one whom I emailed over a day ago to get their address.

Due to being sick I skipped my meeting last night. :(

On Wednesday I ran out of business checks so had to express deliver them. It said it would be four to six days. I hoped they'd be here Monday or Tuesday of next week but they arrived today, so, yay, I got paid, and could pay bills and the other attorney and write a check at the post office.

I could now go to court and file the stuff I decided on Wednesday could wait till I got checks but sick...

(That won't stop me from going to get comic books and running to the grocery after work.)

This weekend while it's snowing and I ain't going anywhere, I have to finish the Teen Wolf BB as the final draft is due Sunday and I'm like 10K away from that *sigh*. Then I need to launch into various exchanges that are mostly due in December (and sign up for a couple more). Also need to do my wishlist.

Next weekend will be busy with downtown open houses, cleaning my own house and Thanksgiving service at church. KU plays football on Saturday at 11:00 so I'll tape it as mom and I'll be shopping (it's supposed to be in the 40s and sunny) and as the Chiefs play this Thursday we don't play next Sunday so house cleaning. One thing I do have to do this weekend while it's snowing is lug out the rest of the magazines sitting on my dining room table so that we can actually eat there. Recycling is picked up next Thursday. Some time next week I need to borrow dad's truck and haul a dozen bags of stuff to Goodwill, too, as they're sitting around in the living room.

I can't believe that two weeks from today is Black Friday which means two weeks from tomorrow I'll be decorating the tree as KU loses to KSU.

ku basketball, work, writing, weekend plans, shopping plans, ku football, stupid weather, stupid body

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