no happies

Nov 05, 2014 09:44


I hate the world.

I was trying not to get my hopes up but Davis got so damn close to taking down Brownback and bringing sanity back to Kansas.

I'm beginning to seriously think that anarchy may be the only answer. Most democracies/republics only last around two hundred years before crashing and burning.

I just have to hope that the Republicans all eat themselves with all the infighting. Could be amusing. It's not like government gets anything done anyway. They all suck.

One extremely lame happy from yesterday--I did vote for a winner. Of course, no one ever runs against my local legislator.

(Also my stomach is better.)

(Also I have a crush on Rachel Maddow.)

Locally we voted down a sales tax to build a consolidated police station. Not because we don't need one, because we do, but because the city spent millions building a rec center (which we didn't get to vote on) and a new library BEFORE something as important as a police station. Also, the location where they want to put it is stupid and too expensive. Next up is a stupid outdoor ice skating rink for like a hundred thousand dollars that'll only be open for two months each winter. Lame and NOT needed over a police station.

Yes, I voted against it.

Kansas now can have charitable raffles so our raffles at the church auction can actually be called that.

Oh, and we took the first step towards allowing gay marriage, though I'm sure the stupid Repthug attorney general will appeal the decision. He has until 5:00 on November 11. I'm kind of hoping he forgets it's a federal holiday and the courts are closed. *snort*

While I'm happy to have the day off, I find it annoying when a holiday is in the middle of the week. I'm so tempted to take off Monday and make it a four day weekend, but boss will be out of town. Still thinking about it.

Very minor happy for today to get it out of the way--the city is putting up the Christmas lights in the trees downtown.

Mostly not happy about anything. Just have to hope that everything turns around in two years--usually a better Democratic turn out during presidential elections. Also that the repthugs put up someone polarizing for president as they've been doing. I really wish the moderates would take back their damn party.

happy meme, kansas is going to hell in a handbasket, political rant, mostly depressed

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