Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 23, 2014 22:25

Sorry sorry sorry I suck!

I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse, but the basics are below as well as some suggestions that you are completely free to ignore because optional details are optional.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics (highly unlikely here), bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 1900 New York City (again these probably don't apply and where thousand year old vampires are concerned, any time is fine), and, finally always a different gender characters (ie Elijah from The Originals always being Elizabeth). Really, I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about at least one of the characters I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characteers, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like.

So, except for one, I went with a few fandoms I've never read in or thought about asking for, but they intrigued me...

1) Penny Dreadful: I pretty much mainlined this show over a two week period. Love it. Especially love Dorian and when he hooked up with Ethan I was thrilled silly. My main 'ships are Dorian/Ethan, Dorian/Vanessa, Malcolm/Vanessa but I'm happy with any combo of the characters or none. Gen fic is fine! I've long been a fan of supernatural stuff and England and the Victorian time period so this show hits all kind of kinks for me.

2) The Windflower: I was thrilled to see this nominated for Yuletide. I've been reading romance novels for over thirty years and this has long been one of my favorites. A bit dated maybe with romances these days having much stronger females than Merry and a lot less non-con/dub-con, but I don't mind either of those things. My favorite character is Cat. His relationship with Rand has long intrigued me. I also love the idea of Cat/Merry, though canon Merry/Devon is fine with me. I love all the secondary characters--Raven, Will, Cook especially. I'd love an AU where Merry ends up with Cat but anything would be perfect.

3) Lucifer (comic): One of my long time favorite comics. I chose "any" character because I love all of them. I've received a Lucifer/Mazikeen fic for Yuletide before and I do love that pairing, but feel free to explore any of the listed characters. I love Elaine as God, too. The whole Heaven/Hell, angels/demons tropes are tops in my books, along with anything apocalyptic. There's are reason the only two biblical books I've read are Genesis and Revelations.

4) Constantine (tv): I chose this before an episode even aired but just two in and I love it already. I read the comics for years (actually starting with John's intro in Swamp Thing) and am impressed that the show is keeping so much continuity (Ravenscar, Nergal, Papa Midnight, Zed etc.) as well as tweaking somethings (like Chas). Also, John is a right bastard on the show just as he is in the comics. Go wild here; I like the idea of John/Zed but am not locked into it since I've only seen them interact in one ep. Not a fan of John/Chas, though--too good of mates. Of course, gen fic is fine.

5) The 100 (tv): Really enjoy this show and even though I only listed teenagers, I really am impressed by the characterization of the adults as well. They're not just ignored or in the background. I don't really ship anyone here (though I love Lincoln/Octavia), but I prefer stories on the ground rather than pre-show or on the ark. Survival stuff is great. I like Bellamy not being a complete bastard and I like the idea of him and Clarke over Finn/Clarke but have no problems with the latter. Or, again, gen!

6) The Originals: Really enjoying this season. I'm a big fan of vampires, always have been. I like all the characters on the show. I love both Klaus/Haley and Elijah/Haley or Haley just being a strong independent woman. On Vampire Diaries Klaus was just a major ass, but his character is much more interesting on this show. He's still a major ass but he does have a heart. I'd love a fic where they get the baby back (big fan of babies/kids) and to see Klaus as a dad, but anything set now or in the future would be great. Historical fic with the vampires is lovely, but please try to be historically accurate if possible. My favorite times periods are: 17th, 18th and 19th century England (particularly anything dealing with the aristocracy/royalty); Revolutionary war period, 1920s and 1960s America.

Oh, also I'm open to dark dark fics, hence my Crueltide Post.

dear writer letter

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