
Oct 09, 2014 10:35

Of course it was supposed to rain all night and we got .01 inch of rain. Just enough to make it too wet that they probably won't finish my trees.

The stumps of the two big ones are all that remains and putting the fence back up. They took out the old redbud outside the kitchen--I asked them to trim it up as some of the branches were on the roof, but I'm fine with it gone--the less trees, the more chance of grass growing. I wish I'd had them take out the maple in the middle of the yard--maybe next year. What's really weird is that in the middle of my night, there's light in my bedroom because the big tree outside the window was trimmed back away from the house. Something to get used to.

The yard is still a mess with gravel, ivy, vinca, wood dividers, railroad ties, messy bushes, but it's so much better. Dad's guy is coming next Monday to get an idea of the work. I'm going to make a list of things I see this weekend hopefully when it drys out and I can get back there (and the tree guys are done).

Choir was good last night. We got several of the Christmas pieces and ran through them once. We're doing an absolutely gorgeous combo of Dona Nobis (my favorite Latin hymn) and The First Noel, and our fun song is Nutcracker Jingles which is Jingle Bells sung to the tune of lots of other holiday faves. We did a similar one last year with Deck the Halls. I'm just glad we're starting this early--last year we didn't start rehearsing the five pieces until about a month out. We're two months out now with six pieces (one from last year).

I hate it when the grocery moves stuff around (which it did like six months ago but I still can't find stuff). They split the fruit--dried fruit and fruit cups are in the breakfast aisle and canned fruits are in the veggie aisle. And the canned pumpkin is not a veggie but is in the baking aisle. I was wandering all over the place trying to find pumpkin.

I enjoyed this week's SHIELD a lot. Really loving Fitz who was just kind of there for me last season. Yay Simmons! Looking forward to next week's; I love it when Mey and Coulsen team up undercover. Interestingly I read a fic recently with them in fancy dress at a fancy party undercover. I doubt on the show they'll end the night with sex. *g*

Also enjoyed Arrow except Oliver's being an idiot and the end was OMG. And I'm glad that they've stopped having Henry die every ep to solve cases on Forever.

I'm catching up. Ignoring the Intruders and the Lottery, I have this week's Castle, the last two Criminal Minds, and this past Sunday's Simpsons and Family Guy which I can't get unlocked on my work computer for some unknown reason. :P

So I hope to get some writing done while watching football. Except I don't care about the pro game. Maybe I'll put on the BYU game.

I've been following along on the Yuletide tagset post and apparently someone nominated modern day serial killers. I really hope this was a troll. The mods removed it rightly so. There's a big difference between writing fiction about say Jack the Ripper and Jeffrey Dahmer. A couple of the things I caught were corrected. Go me.

Tonight my DVR will go far enough ahead (15 days) that I can set up recordings for Constantine and Grimm. :) I think those are the last two network premieres. I also found the Star Wars cartoon and American Dad. I missed the start of Star Wars but it's on a million times. Luckily American Dad repeats on TBS now too since they're both on Monday nights right in the middle of a million other things I'm taping. I don't know what I'm going to do this Monday with the Royals if we play at night. Probably go to my parents'. Tuesday and Wednesday are doable at home as I can wait for SPN and Arrow to be uploaded and just record SHIELD and Survivor. I only have one thing the other hours.

There was no internet at work for the first 45 minutes. The horror. Dunno why, nor do I know why it just started working all of a sudden as my rebooting the router didn't fix it.

Okay, enough babbling for today. Nothing extremely happy has happened yet so back later for that.

yuletide, stupid yard, stupid technology, stupid weather, tv blather, shopping

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