Letter for Trick or Treat

Sep 15, 2014 20:54

First let me say that I'm not picky. I'll love anything you write for me. :)

That said, there are a few things I'm a particular fan of (and some things I don't enjoy).

I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website, www.meanderingmuse.com

But, write wherever your muse takes you! As long as it has one of the characters I list and doesn't include any of my 'don't enjoys', I'll be thrilled.

First a few things I don't enjoy: second person, scat and watersports, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics (I'm picky about what I like and don't like there), bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, and, finally always a different gender characters (I do like female Stiles but not here, please).

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. Third person only if possible, one perspective or multiple, all are great. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do.

So, Buffy was my first online fandom and I joined as a writer midway through Season 2. Yeah, that long ago. I still dabble in the fandom. While I enjoy Buffy/Angel (probably because I started watching with ep 1 and they were canon before Spike even showed up--but then I love Spike/Dru for the same reason), I'm much more a Buffy/Spike fan (or a Buffy/Angel/Spike fan). I love Dru. I love Angelus. I love Buffy/Angelus. And Spike/Angel(us). I'm a big fan of DarkWes/Lilah, and Illyria rocks. Faith/Angel is great, too. I'm not a big fan of femslash or slash in this fandom unless it's vampires. I've always seen these two shows as essentially one. Dark is great. Happy silliness is great. You might want to check out what I've written to see what I like. Almost everything I've written in this fandom is at www.meanderingmuse.com Follow the link to Moon Madness, my Buffy site.

Stargate Universe was my favorite of the SG shows. It sadly ended too soon. I love all the characters, those listed and those not so feel free to throw any in if you want. I tend to ship canon pairings here outside of Chloe/Rush. I don't slash here (except obviousy Camille). I have a love of TJ/Young and them keeping their baby. Greer rocks completely. I enjoy just day to day stories of survival, people getting along or not, exploring the ship and worlds, finding ways to make things work. Hell, I wrote a story for this fandom about TJ figuring out a way to make workable birth control. *g*

I'm not really in the Supernatural fandom anymore though I write in it occasionally. I'm a big Dean/Cas fan, also love Sam/Gabriel. I am not a wincest fan. I also like the idea of Jody/Sam and the funny evilness of Cas/Meg. Crowley is just fun to play with. What really got me into this show (though I'd watched from day one--how could I not, I was born, raised and still live in Lawrence, KS!) was the angel/demon/Lucifer storyline of Season 4 & 5. I love the apocalypse, Heaven, Hell, all of that. So while a lot of people I know don't like the show anymore because of the emphasis on the angels, that's why I love it. I also love John.

And now for my current big fandom. Teen Wolf owns my soul right now and has for two years. Stupidly I did not start watching until middle of Season 2 because of 1) MTV and 2) silly movie from my teen years. I love the adults more than the kids (except for Stiles and Lydia who I adore). Peter is my favorite character. I can't help it. I love the bad (downright evil sometimes) boys. I also love the Sheriff (John to me). I love stories about the Sheriff being a great dad, or him finding out (about the supernatural, Stiles/Peter, Stiles/Derek). While I'm mostly a Stiles/Peter fan, I also love Derek/Stiles, Stiles/Lydia, Peter/Chris, Peter/Sheriff, Melissa/Sheriff, Peter/Lydia, and Derek/Lydia. I'm also intrigued by Rafe. I'm not a huge fan of the other teens but I don't dislike any of them, and I find Liam kind of adorable (except that I do not like Liam/Scott--I love Scott as Alpha to Liam but not sexually). Oh, I also threw Talia in there. Not sure why but I'm intrigued by her character. I love dark nasty stuff and mpreg (Stiles getting pregnant by Peter mostly) and happy fluffy and redeeming Peter fic. If you want to see what I've written here, they're all at AO3 under ladyoneill.

So, I hope you have fun! And so sorry for the delay in the letter.

dear writer letter

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