lots of happy today

Aug 17, 2014 13:00

I got my sermon written in about three hours last night and edited it this morning. The whole service went really well. I got a lot of compliments about how all the elements worked together (we also did a Candle for the World with a prayer for all those suffering--our minister wrote it to address the concerns over the young man killed by police in Missouri and Robin Williams' suicide, which fit just perfectly with the service on prayer). The meditation song was well received and sounded wonderful. Just everything worked and the sermon was personal and not too factual (As a historian I have a tendency to be a bit too narrative sometimes).

I dropped off two more bags of clothes and have decided not to go to the movie (really, $8 for a matinee???) and, instead, start working in the other room upstairs and going through boxes and pulling out clothes and other stuff to give away and vintage stuff to sell on Etsy. It also gives me more time to finish the fic which I'm much happier with than I was a couple days ago.

But mostly I'm happy because right after I got home, my Derek/Stiles Big Bang summary was chosen by an artist. Others had picked it as their second or third choice so I knew it was garnering some interest. Mine was one of the first ten picked out of about fifty--makes me feel really good. I've been on the other side, waiting and waiting. It's also someone I haven't worked with before, oh and art posts on their LJ are just beautiful, all original drawings. :)

I've gone through some of the summaries and there looks like some really good fics coming out this winter. :)

Now I need to get working on that, as I have just under 4K of the required 10k words. Fic due today first, though. Then I have some bingo prompts I should work on. At least I should have time to write at work this week.

First up, Royals.

bigbang, church, singing, writing

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