missed another happy

Aug 15, 2014 23:09

I have got to stop waiting till evening because invariably I forget.

Yesterday's happy actually happened during the day. The Royals won their seventh series in a row, beating the As 7-3--coming back from a 3-2 deficit with five runs in one inning. One of the tv announcers calls it spree hitting. As the game was during the day, I listened at work.

So, that was happy. In not so happy news, I'm beginning to feel tired in the evenings. I still have a lot of energy during the day and I'm mostly sleeping through the nights (no having to go to the bathroom two or three times really helps) but I still don't get more than five or six hours sleep so that doesn't help, I'm sure.

Last night I found readings and worked on the service for this Sunday. I'm falling behind on tv and I doubt I'll get much watched this weekend with having a fic to write, a sermon to write, and I hope to see that tornado movie between the Royals and Chiefs games on Sunday.

Today's happy is that boss is gone for twelve days. :) I got everything done that I needed to do before he left.

After work was ridiculous. The traffic is horrendous. Students are back and driving like idiots and so many streets are closed or under construction. I left work a few minutes late and headed to one street not under construction in order to reach the southside post office before it closed at 5:00. This is usually a 12-15 minute trip (except the street it's on is closed from the east to the entrance basically so I have to drive west than backtrack) but everyone is using the street I used. At a four way stop heading east (I was going west) where pre-road work there might have been one or two cars, it was backed up TWO BLOCKS! Farther along at the light I wanted to turn left at, it was backed up forever, too, and it doesn't help that at that intersection on that four lane cross street (a federal highway) they've closed the outside northbound lane for construction of a Buffalo Wild Wings.

Anyway, I ran into the post office with three minutes to spare. When I left, it started to rain. Not hard, just enough to make the humidity skyrocket. I went to the banks (payday and deposits, both banks just a few blocks from the post office) then I got back on the federal highway, in the inner lane because not only is the outer northbound lane closed for the wings joint for a block, it then closes a few more blocks along for the horrible intersection I go through every morning to get to work.

So, of course there were people in the outer lane trying to merge into mine. As I reached the street I'd been on with the two block back up (with the light turning red just as I got there, also a common theme for me today), people could no longer turn going east onto it because it was backed up so far (my guess, people were trying to turn left into a neighborhood). There was a car in the outer lane with their turn signal on to get in front of me when the light turned to green. As the southbound (we were going north remember) left turn light was green but no one could actually turn, this IDIOT ran the red light to get in front of me! (And, then, when we got to the horrible under construction intersection and they were still the car in front of me, they ran the red light there because they didn't want to sit.) But, it gets better. This street has a middle turn lane its entire length but by the time you get to the horrible under construction intersection that lane's blocked off.

Some idiot drove down it to the blockade and then pushed their way into the driving lane a couple cars behind me. (I wasn't going to let them in!)

I did all this in order to get my comic books which are sold in a bookstore on the northeast corner of the horrible intersection. Then I drove around the block to go to the grocery. On exiting the grocery, I never head west on the other street with the horrible intersection because driving that approximate mile can take twenty minutes in busy traffic. So, I cut through a neighborhood, back to the federal highway at another now busy intersection that never used to be (because I'm not the only one cutting through neighborhoods--people cut through mine now all the time--to avoid road work). Stopped at the red light, the car in front of me that wanted to turn right, cut through the parking lot of an abandoned gas station rather than wait.


Somehow I made it home without dying, passing a cop just past the street into my neighborhood that everyone's using to cut through--he was sweeping up after an accident. *head desk*

Oh, I forgot to mention that boss gave me a bunch of tomatoes (for my parents) from one of his tenant's. I put the bag in the trunk to keep them as cool as possible and they rolled out and all over the trunk and at least six fell between the space at the back of the trunk and the back seat which exists so that you can lower the back seat and make a flat surface.

When I got home I, in a knee length dress, and fat, CRAWLED INTO THE TRUNK ON MY BELLY WITH A PAIR OF TONGS to retrieve the tomatoes. I'm amazed I didn't end up dead in there. Actually, getting in wasn't bad, I just kept scooting forward on my belly. It was getting out with my stubby legs just sticking out there that was painful. First I basically had to gouge into my crotch to get my legs down to the ground and then I think I pulled something in my upper stomach.

There are a few times having a man around is useful. The trunk and garage were warm, though. I couldn't leave ripe tomatoes in there until dad could come rescue them tomorrow.

And now the Royals just beat the Twins in Minnesota--nearly gave up their 6-3 lead in the bottom of the 9th), won 6-5, but a win is a win, and Detroit lost so we're 1 1/2 games up. Since a four game losing streak coming out of the All Star Break, we're 19-4. :) More spree hitting. We got our first five runs in the 4th inning.

Oh, and I worked on my Stiles/Derek big bang some off and on today and this evening. It's not due till...well, I'm not really sure. Usually there's a due date for the rough draft for a BB, usually the same time the summaries are due, but those are due tomorrow. Kind of weird. This is so you can send it your artist as soon as you get one, so I hope, once fic due tomorrow and sermon are done, I can concentrate on this and have something more than the 3500 words I have to send to my artist.

Fullmoon ficlet prompt never spoke to me so that's not happening. I think early bed tonight maybe so I can get up at 7:00 (mom and I are skipping market partly due to a good chance for rain, mostly so I can be lazy and not dress) and get writing (and doing laundry).

No one's done the naughty on this past Monday's Teen Wolf. That's weird. Usually it's up within 48 hours... Well, until the DVR mysteriously reboots for no reason I have it on my tv. Might rewatch tonight before bed.

If you got this far through the rant, yay you!

Oh and I just got an email from my cable company announcing that we now get the SEC Network (we also get the Big10 Network). WHO FUCKING CARES IN BIG TWELVE COUNTRY????? Why can't we get CBS Sports again, that I'd like to have.

For a Friday this has been a weird ass day.

happy meme, stupid town, royals, writing, big bang, tgif, stupid people

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