
Jul 03, 2014 09:30

Well, it was so bizarrely cool yesterday after work (72 and overcast with wind!) that, after getting my comics, I finished up the mowing. Why do it in the early morning when it might be dewy when the weather's this good!? I didn't even break a sweat.

The Royals won, yay.

I got my story written last night. It's not long but I think it's a good character study with characters I've enjoyed writing and exploring over the years, just usually with other people. Felt good to actually get something written. I've been getting an itch for it over the last few days as I've started feeling better.

Body seems to be rebounding okay; whether I'm healing or not, no clue. Still no adverse reaction to the steroids, knock on wood.

I noticed this morning that I'm getting a tiny bit of a waist! My stomach's definitely been flattening out over the last month. I need to get back on the treadmill every day, even for ten-fifteen minutes. Now that I'm feeling better maybe that'll happen. I actually seem to have a bit more energy. I haven't napped at all this week and stayed up till 2:00 this morning with no tiredness.

Off to my parents' for dinner tonight for my brother's birthday, hopefully. They never plan. They arrive today but as sis-in-law's parents are here after all (they live most of the year in Arizona and are finally selling their house here), they may be there. Who knows. Or it just may be her staying with her parents. Who knows. My mom made my brother's favorite cake; chances are he'll at least be there tonight.

Last day of work for the week, thank god. We'll do 4th stuff tomorrow and then mom and I are going to a close-out sale at one of the antique stores in North Lawrence on Saturday morning but as church is just a showing of the sermon from General Assembly from last Sunday, I'll pass on that. Maybe I'll get more writing done. Hopefully I'll get some tv caught up. I did watch this week's 24 last night. I need to watch the last fifteen minutes of Under the Dome since it was interrupted on Monday for a storm. :P I know what happened.

Maybe I'll go to a movie on Sunday. Wonder what's on...

Oh, and Le Tour starts Saturday, too, yay!

Okay, this is just kind of rambling...

three day weekend for the win, stupid yard, dieting, sports in general, writing, family stuff, stupid body

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