jeez, where'd i go?

Apr 22, 2014 09:59

Been nearly a week, sorry! And I wasn't even being that lazy, just mostly busy (or napping which I guess equals lazy).

I vaguely remembers having low grade fevers a couple nights last week which hindered my productivity.

Had a half day at work on Friday for Good Friday which was a good thing as I needed to bake stuff for the church auction. Oh, I did have one annoyance. I'm trying to use my credit card less so I'm writing checks (yes, I could use my debit card but that would mean digging it out of a stack of crap along with the separate PIN and activating it). I got my comic books and the store declined my check. They couldn't tell me why so in a panic I raced to the nearest bank branch, afraid someone had hacked and drained my account or there was a hold due to the large check I'd written or I'd totally screwed up my accounting.

Nope, plenty of money, no holds, nothing wrong. The bank said they're seeing this more and more where stores run the checks like a card electronically and it glitches. Totally annoying and, due to traffic, took a half hour out of my already busy day. We should have the right to write checks, dammit.

I spent the afternoon and evening baking. Unlike last year where the peanut butter cookies were too goopy and spread, these were perfect.

The Royals had a nice five game winning streak going until Sunday. Watched a lot of them along with tv.

Saturday dad and I went to market because mom had stomach issues. It opened last weekend but we were in Topeka. Got a cinnamon roll. We also ran our auction stuff out to church.

I worked the registration table at the auction and also did my usual keep track of bids and winners and help take payment at the end. We had only a few problems. Much less than last year, and it was so nice to have more people helping. Just four years ago it was me and Denise doing both registration and bidding/paying. Now we had four people on registration and two others selling raffle tickets and booze tickets, then five us at the back of the auction keeping track and checking people out. The only two things that didn't work were that people planning to pay with a credit card at the end could run a tab for raffle tickets and drinks and that list didn't get to us before some people checked out, and last minute items added to the live auction (like the decorations) didn't get double entered onto the computer so didn't print out on receipts. Still, so much better than last year.

I didn't win anything, but did sign up for a superbowl party next February. Mom and dad each won a raffle basket--I never win those--and they got an airport trip (five people offered those in multiples this year). As far as I know everything I offered in the silent auction sold. I did have a few chances to go bid during the registration since we had four people rotating, and my cookies, bread and cat sitting had bids. Actually, mom won one of the cookies as they're gluten free and dad doesn't like them so she doesn't make them. *snort*

Oh, and I got to eat! It was a fiesta theme so we had Mexican catered by our favorite Mexican restaurant. Usually I'm either too busy to eat or they run out of food before I have a chance, so I brought a lunchable, but I ate a couple tacos instead.

Last year I think we made around $16K; this year they hoped for $11-12K and we made over $19! It helped that along with our minister's French cottage, a couple of new members offered stays in their Chicago condo, and there was an Ozark cabin, too. With multiples stays in each, those alone brought in over $10K.

Services seem to go better than items in the live auction so I'm putting my cat sitting in there next year instead of the silemt auction with the person in charge's boisterous approval. My year of quick breads went and the person is donating them to the church again.

I got home around 10:00 so that was pretty good.

Sunday Easter service was very nice. I convened and helped with the communion. The one older woman I recruited to assist was a bit hesitant as she wanted to make sure it wasn't representing the body and blood etc. I said hell no and our minister confirmed that she would explain in great detail that it wasn't. I think everyone took part including my dad who never has! Our minister joked with him that he just wanted to try the Malbec wine. *g*

Mom and dad stayed for the Easter lunch but I went home and watched the Royals and napped for about three hours. I guess the day before had worn me out more than I thought. Sunday night I caught up on some of The Following, watching I think five eps, leaving me with three including last night's. I'm still behind on some shows but caught up on others.

OMG, HOW DID I STAY UNSPOILED FOR SPN??????? Yes, I figured out it wasn't real, but OMG!!!!!!!! So very happy. If I'd known, I sure wouldn't have waited until Saturday to watch it!!!

Also enjoyed Fargo. Very dark and weird but then so was the movie.

As long as the Cowboys remain on TAR, I'm happy.

Blindsiding right and left on Survivor going on.

Busyish week at work. I have to do the monthly invoices and get a couple things set I've been putting off setting because I'm not sure how to go about it. I hate not knowing stuff and then looking stupid.

The J2SPN BB is definitely not happening. I didn't get any writing done over the weekend except for the fic that was due last Friday which was a fandom I've written in before but a new pairing. So of course I'm considering signing up for this medium sized fandom exchange along with the m/m slash rare pairs exchange and I still have queer fest and the two bingo cards to do before vacay in five weeks. Also have too many WIPs languishing...

Well, I guess we know for sure that the "cellist" is NOT Clint. *g* Looking forward to SHIELD tonight.

It looks like Spring is finally here. 70s this week, 60s next week, some rain off and on. I turned on my AC at home but it hasn't warmed up enough to run yet. I need to start Spring cleaning so the house will be ready for cat sitter.

Also, I finally seem to be over my many colds and have started up the Sudafed again. No longer coughing/hacking which is nice. Gave the cold to new attorney.

Well, should do some work.

stupid technology, church stuff, writing, tv blather

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