For inadvertently reminding me that I needed to update the payment form for my webhosting.
See, for some reason (Target debacle maybe?) my credit card company cancelled my card and sent me a new one with a new number, which, of course meant I had to go everywhere online I have an account and change it. Luckily a lot of things I have subscriptions to run off Paypal, so only had to make one change, but my webhosting at yahoo doesn't (well it does now). Luckily the monthly charge was taken out the day before the old card went defunct.
Of course I tried to use my old card at McDonalds the day it was cancelled. Apparently they cancel them at midnight. Luckily I had cash because my debit card ran out nearly a year ago. Probably need to find the new one which is somewhere in my kitchen. Especially since I'll need it in England as I get money that way at cash points.
I went to the card's website to activate the new one. I have an account but couldn't be fussed to try to remember the password so just answered the stupid questions. Which of the five listed have you worked at. When did your last car lease start. What's the range of your mortgage.
The tricky one was something like which of the four zipcodes are not associated with you. The fifth option was none of them. The trick thing was that one of them WAS. Lawrence began with 66044. It added 66046. Then 66047 and 66049. My house went from 66044 to 66046 (when I was a teen) to 66047 at some point in the last twenty five years or so. One of the options was 66046. I DID live at that address. Of course, decades before I got his credit card. I went with "none" and that worked. But it was WRONG.
KU plays at 8:00 tonight at TCU. We lost there last year. Hopefully this year we don't play like dumbasses. Been watching bball pretty much all day and reading fanfic though I did finally take the ornaments off the tree.
I had a headache and tummy upset all yesterday so didn't go to parents. In fact, didn't eat anything after breakfast until around 3:30 when I finally had my sandwich. Today I still have a teeny headache. Wind, weather changes, probably. I've had a couple nose bleeds the last couple days, too, from major dryness at work. Luckily I've caught it before it could reach my shirts.
I should probably do laundry and write something. Clexmas reveals happened, so I can respond to the feedback and post it on AO3 because it's quite funny and I'm weirdly proud of it. Porn battle prompts are being done. There were no Peter/Stiles when I checked yesterday, so maybe I'll actually put some up. I want to porn battle this year.
I'm thinking of turning my never seen by anyone failed miserably two year old Dean/Cas bb story into my J2 spn bb story and adding Sam and Gabriel to Purgatory.
Oh, I need to sign up for shipswap exchange. I probably should have prompted some because Dru/Spike isn't available this year. First I have to determine if there are enough fandoms with rare pairings I can write in. I started looking through the list yesterday but then got mucho busy at work.
I just noticed my pj top is inside out...
I convene at church tomorrow and the choir sings. I need to work on my chalice circle assignment as well as that's tomorrow afternoon. I have so much tv to watch.
I need to read real books so I'm going to do this reading bingo card from Random House. I'm just snagging it, not signing up or anything as you probably need some kind of account, so it's just for me. I may do both the regular and the YA one.
So will post that in a bit.
In complete randomness (except not since I'm watching sweaty white boy Oklahoma player at the moment), I know it's a horrible cultural misappropriation but the only tattoos I like are black tribal ones.
In other randomness, I bought some anti-itch psoriasis cream and in just a couple applications my elbow is so much better. The skin is so much smoother! I figured it wouldn't work at all.
Okay, here,
have a hilarity. Don't click away right away. Wait five or so seconds...