so, busy, productive weekend

Jan 06, 2014 11:47

On Saturday I wrote a whole bunch of ficlets for Fandom Stocking, did laundry, prepared for the arctic blast and snow, watched the Chiefs give up a 28 point lead and lose by one *sigh*, and watched the snow stop at about three inches.

Due to fics being due on Sunday and a boring topic at church I'd already decided to not go. I got up around eight and looked out the back door to see that we still had about three inches of snow. I planned to go snowblow around 2:00 when it was supposed to be at its warmest, all of fifteen degrees. Around 10:30 I glanced out the front window to determine how much snow had drifted and someone had shoveled my sidewalk, driveway and front steps! I went to the garage to confirm (angle from the front window isn't all that good). It must have happened before 8:15 or so because I would have heard them on the steps and Elektra would have freaked out. No clue who! There are still nice people in the world. I was not looking forward to freezing in place while doing it.

So instead I finally wrote my DeanCas Xmas fic and it came very easily and I think is really good. With plenty of time, I also finally chose a In Small Packages prompt and wrote a sweet Derek and Stiles go to church ficlet. Then KU lost to San Diego State, breaking our home winning streak of one hundred plus games against non-conference opponents and we just suck so much this year. We have all this talent and it's just not working!

But, at least, there were other ranked teams losing, most to non-ranked teams; at least our opponent was ranked. OSU lost, Duke lost, Memphis lost, NC lost, probably more.

I finally started catching up on Vampire Diaries--well, I watched one ep, two more to go, but then there was Sherlock which was just wonderful. I can't believe there's only one more episode though!!!!

Then I loaded fandom stocking ficlets and then found out this morning the reveal has been delayed due to no internet for the head elf. I could write more--I only got 24 of the 31 I'd planned done--but I also have a fic due tomorrow I need to write and my brain is itching to get back to writing Teen Wolf. What, I have no clue.

As the temp kept dropping I ran hot water in the kitchen sink from Saturday night through well, tonight. Last month I had to run it overnight several times and my water bill was $20 higher than normal. Higher bills, waste of water, this just sucks. It was supposed to drop to minus ten last night. No clue if it did, but my car actually registered negative outside temps for the first time ever this morning at minus one, and my garage, usually in the 40s in winter, was 31 degrees (it has a heat vent due to stupid builder; closed but heat still gets out, so does cool in the summer, which is nice because I can keep diet cokes out there without them freezing or spoiling).

I think it may reach all of ten degrees today and then hit minus two tonight and then be forty tomorrow.

Yeah, IDEK what the point is if we're only getting two days of winter. By Friday it's to be in the upper 40s and that way all next week with twenties at night. At least I'll save water.

So, tonight, ficcing while watching the BCS game I suppose and then TEEN WOLF!!!!!!!!

So, it is really Kyle McCall. Good to know.

people can be nice, ku basketball, stupid weather, writing, chiefs suck

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