i'd say it was a lazy weekend but it came in spurts

Sep 16, 2013 09:56

I was actually pretty busy and then I'd nap in between.

Friday night I wrote a short fullmoon ficlet ficlet which I have yet to upload to AO3 due to the aforementioned laziness.

Market on Saturday morning and then back downtown for breakfast with the girls which was very nice. Like the unlimited coffee bar where you serve yourself from four different exotic coffees. I had a turkey, bacon and cheddar omelet with herbed potatoes. The restaurant patronizes several local farms for fresh food which is becoming a trend with downtown restaurants, a trend I support.

The Color Run was that morning which made getting into and out of downtown interesting. It ended shortly before we left so people covered in colored cornstarch started coming into the restaurant.

Went home and watched football. Wow, Akron, man, nearly! Mostly blow out games pre-conference season though some conference games, too--I guess due to megaconferences.

Went to the Jim Scott concert at the Fellowship. He's a UU singer/songwriter/activist. Small crowd but it was fun and he sang a couple new songs he'd just written, one he was still fiddling with the key for. He also sang Pete Seeger's "Turn Turn Turn" but with words written by Seeger's wife aimed at kids decades ago that Seeger never sang until right before her recent death.

He was kind of talkative between songs so it went over two hours. Raced off to parents' for quick opening of presents--two Hollows graphic novels and the most recent book as well as a pair of gold sunflower earrings from the Met (I love their reproduction jewelery) that came as clips, so hard to find in new earrings.

Then dad and I watched KU make a game of it, even went up 14-13 in the 4th quarter, but there were just too many dropped passes and a couple really stupid plays on offense. And Rice's kicker, man. So we lost by like eight or nine or something. Not only did we watch it in HD on cbssports but just the filming quality was bso much better than on TWC's crappy Metrosports from last week where it was grainy and the cameras were way far away from the field and just crappy. This week we play on the new Fox Sports 1 and the quality is high there, too. I'm seriously thinking about buying and HD flat screen tv even though my current tv works fine and the picture is still clear etc. It is nearly ten years old and my DVR is already and HD one.

Got home a little after midnight and zoomed through the Royals game I'd recorded. I'd seen the first couple innings before I left for the concert--we scored one run in the first--and we won by that one run in that we won 1-0.

Still coughing, on Sunday morning I started up a youtube video with someone just singing Elphaba's part so I could sing Glinda and my internet kept shutting down, saying it had the wrong DNS. After it did it twice, I gave up. I'd been singing along to the CD in the car for two days and had the song pretty much memorized so I went out to church early to print off just the lyrics.

Amy was sick as a dog yesterday but thankfully, while still coughing, had her voice. We ran through the song a couple times and we were perfectly in sync, thank god. We pulled the song out of our collectives asses. It is NOT an easy song to sing with a lot of rests and odd triplets, and it's pretty much two solos and then a duet part. Amy had only sung one solo, and that was a really short part in a much larger choir song, so she was nervous.

But it was great. We held the mikes and sang at each other.

Oh, and get this, in a bout of complete irony or something it was her birthday too! As she said, raised fist, Virgo Power!

Mom came over after church to watch the Unforgettable finale on cbs.com while I watched the Chiefs beat Dallas. Well, I napped through most of the second half after she left, but we won. In two games so far we've tied our season wins for last season. Not a great game, only won by one over Dallas, but still a win. Napped some more, then heated up dinner and watched Haven's premiere. Oh look, it's Jack from Eureka! Always love Duke. And Nathan was looking very ruggedly handsome.

Read fanfic while watching the Royals I'd taped earlier. Sadly lost by a one run homer hit in the bottom of the 8th. It is always interesting watching on a non-Royals channel (TBS) and to hear the kind of amazed praise from national announcers. Considering we've pretty much sucked for a good 25 years, to have the best bullpen, one of the fasted teams, several gold glove candidates, that's what we've been waiting so long for, and the national attention.

Oh, also napped through the choosing of art to write for for the TW reversebang, but did snag one. Surprisingly it was one of the Derek/Stiles ones--most of those were snapped up first (and made up a good 2/3 of the art) but it had kind of darkish themes (or at least my mind went to angst) so maybe that's why it wasn't chosen in the first fifteen minute frenzy. I really like it and have got ideas, but am waiting to hear from the artist. I'm glad it was still available because most of the art, while all well done, just didn't speak to me--too much AU, like non-werewolf AUs or set in different times and stuff. I just can't write that. I guess that's really AR (alternate reality). It's very popular right now in TW fanficdom.

Anyhoo...Need to finish the fic due Friday. Have ideas for IWRY but I need to get that started as it's due in just over a month and it may be massive (Buffy/Angel set in the Hell Series about a hundred years in). Had planned to write several ficlets for the Peter/Stiles series over the weekend but that just didn't happen. Also behind already on the SPN meme because I suck. Will catch up on that today. Oh, did read more comics and I'm now through the Xmen/Avengers mega-event from last summer.

New tv season really starts tonight. Bones and Sleepy Hollow (and the finale of Under The Dome). I'll probably watch the Royals and write while taping them. After reading the interview with the SH producers over on tvguide.com this morning I'm even more intrigued because which would be Book of Revelations, Four Horsemen, apocalypse stuff!

Don't have much work and hopefully boss will be out most of the afternoon for his "lunch" or I'll have to work on closed files as I already hole punched files last week on a slow day. *sigh* Oh, can pay bills. That takes all of ten minutes.

Oh, and thank you for all the birthday wishes!!!!!

gno, church, royals, writing, chiefs, football blather, ku football, singing, tv blather, birthday

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