wow, amazing how having nothing to do makes the day drag

Jul 11, 2013 15:18

It surprises me that there are only 429 Peter/Stiles fics on AO3; there seem to be more and more posted every day, though, so it's a growing pairing. 1/20th of the fics are mine. Heh

Royals lost badly last night, are losing badly today. *sigh*

Mostly read fanfic today, did a little work, have to do the filing. Did not write sermon as "Much Ado" is FINALLY coming here so mom and I won't have to hang around KC all day Saturday to see it--we're still going shopping but we'll be home from the movie by dinner time.

Tonight I have to clean the kitchen. I went through all my piles of crap (I have lots of counters which means lots of room for crap like magazines and paid bills and new bills and stuff like that) last night. So got a start. It'll take about an hour to scrub it down good. I need to clean (self-clean) at least one of the ovens as they're both smoking and mom needs to put a casserole for LINK (the charity kitchen our church serves once a month) in to stay warm while we're at market. Le Tour is a flat stage so that'll take all of a half hour while eating dinner to watch.

I did rewatch the last ep of TW last night. Did not realize what Lydia saw in that wood paneling--creepy. Still ooked out over "open wound" Derek/Jennifer--most of fandom is apparently. I mean, who does that?! Maybe she's into a blood kink?

I wrote my 'what if Ethan isn't gay but ordered to be with Danny?' ficlet yesterday. It's an intriguing idea to me.

Continue to make progress on the comic book reading but now I'm behind on tv watching. I've determined that my favorite books of 2010 are Uncanny Xmen, Xmen Legacy and Xfactor. I always want to read those first over Xforce, New Mutants, and the new Xmen book which right now is all about vampires and I'm finding it dull. My problem with Xforce is a light one--in that it's so darkly drawn and written often in red that I have trouble reading it with my bifocals. And New Mutants is back in fucking Limbo for the zillionth time! Still, I'm trying to read them month to month. I especially like Legacy because there's a lot of focus right now on Erik and Rogue. :) For some reason I didn't incorporate Astonishing Xmen into my piles--a legacy heh of the belief that early on (when it was Joss) it was separate from the rest of the books and it's still not involved in crossovers and it's very sporadically published, so I had to catch up on those but then I read October 2010 and the next one wasn't November, it was like July 2011. *sigh* I do like how DC manages to publish their books on time these days but I also find it interesting that while five or six years ago DC dragged me completely away from Marvel and I ended up spending hundreds of dollars buying all the Robin and Nightwing and a lot of Batman and Detective books and trade paperbacks, the new DC is not holding my interest that well. It took me about six months to read a year and a half of about a dozen DC books. It's taken me three days to read about two hundred Xbooks. At this rate, I'll be caught up on all of them by next weekend.

Speaking of, need to jot down what's new this week and go get my comics after going broke at the pharmacy.

So far so good on the weird ass cold front. I felt pretty much fine with a light cough yesterday; ditto today. Which bodes well for cleaning. I'll have to get up early in the morning to weed around the AC unit--vines always grow up in the screens--and make sure the lights work in the basement as I have a few errands to run this afternoon plus it's like 95 out there. I took the trash out around midnight last night and it was still in the 80s and humid. :P

Need to write my fullmoon ficlet. Prompt is "hiding". I suppose writing a spanking fic would be a little weird, right? *g*

work stuff, comic book blather, writing, stupid body

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