hump day

Jun 12, 2013 09:51

Darn it, I wrote a tag fic and can't post it outside of the LJ comm until Saturday. But it fit the prompt (broken) perfectly!

I need to edit it and then post it to fullmoon ficlet. Maybe I'll get some more writing done this afternoon.

I did rewatch Teen Wolf 3.2 last night. A few things baffled me going in, but then they made sense after the rewatch.

God I love Peter, I really do. My parents don't quite understand why I watch shows aimed at young people (though they watched Buffy and they were ten years older than I am now when it aired, so their argument doesn't hold water) and I tried to point out that my favorite character is in his upper 30s. And that the guy who played Martouf on SG1 fifteen years ago is in his 40s and the sheriff is damn sexy, too, probably around 50. But then a picture of Derek was in Tv Guide and dad asked me who that was and I had to drool over him, too.


The show is full of hot guys!

Sexy girls, too, though I don't really like Allison's new hair color and style, and is Lydia less put together than normal this season?

I wonder if what's going on with Lydia has anything to do with Peter. I REALLY want to see them interacting on the show. Although there were hints in episode one that Scott and by extension Stiles didn't see Derek at all over the summer so wouldn't have seen Peter, it seemed to me that Stiles was pretty comfortable with Peter, so I'm going with there was interaction over the summer.

God I love this show. I love this show as much as I loved SPN Season 5 (when I was crazily writing fic right and left).

Aaaannnnd I keep babbling about it.

Mom made the most boring chicken last night--oven fried with just panko, no herbs or spices. But there were fresh peas and mashed potatoes made with lactose free milk and no butter. I added a teaspoon of butter and it was oddly enough. Usually I like to drench my potatoes in butter. I wonder if my body is adjusting to the lack of fat in my diet.

I need to go to court before it gets much hotter. Especially since I don't want to get sweaty. Boil is still sore but I think it's healing. I'm keeping it bandaged during the day with neosporin. The last time I had one was last September--I got it from wearing too tight hose and sweating a lot at my parents' vow renewal ceremony and it was healed by the time I went into the hospital three weeks later. I didn't use any medication on it at all, so hopefully this one will heal faster. I really don't want to go to the doctor for it. I have noticed that wounds (cat scratches, shoe rubbing places) are healing a lot faster since the diabetes is getting under control so I'm being careful with the boil but I'm just not used to going to the doctor for small stuff. I've managed to cure my sinus infections on my own more often than through antibiotics, for one thing. On the other hand, maybe my gall bladder wouldn't have been emergency surgery if I'd gone to the doctor two years earlier when the first pains hit.

I wonder if people who have free medical care go to the doctor more often for little things? I mean, I probably would, but when it costs up to $100 for a doctor's visit, and it doesn't even apply to my deductible, yeah, no. I have four mandatory visits a year for the diabetes. That's nearly $400. The lab work does apply to the deductible, but with four of those it's still not going to reach it. What really bothers me is the amount that is waived because I have insurance. My last labwork for was around $300. I paid $78. $222 waived. I guess if you don't have insurance you have to pay the full amount.

So, why don't they just charge you $78 to start with! What a racket.

Mom just called to tell me that dad nearly drove the mower into the pond. He does this at least once a year. They had to get the truck to tow it free. *snort*

On that note...I actually have work to do.

insurance is a racket, parents, tv blather, stupid body

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