two weeks, fourteen days!

Mar 07, 2013 10:33

March Madness is nearly upon us!

KU is now projected as the Midwest's #1, thanks to Indiana losing to Ohio State on Tuesday. Believe me, my dad was not happy (about IU, not KU). Sadly since Georgetown lost last night, Duke has now moved back to a #1 seed. :P Of course we still have to beat Baylor at their home on Saturday and play well in the Big 12 tournie. Baylor's pretty much killed their chances to make the tournie so they'll probably be out for blood.

The Big 12 tournie is next week--the only day there are daytime games is Thursday and I hope I can get them online. It used to be easy, but with the changes to espn's online showing of games, who knows. I'm pretty sure my cable company is not signed up with the espn app thing for phones and tablets but hopefully epsn3 still works for computers? And is free? And available even if the game IS being shown locally? Very confused about all this.

Last night at choir we rehearsed the trio number we're doing for the intergenerational service this Sunday. Me and two harmonizing Sopranos are singing "Everyday People". I'm singing the two verses and they're singing the 'there is a white one blah blah' bits. We hadn't rehearsed it at all until last night but it amazingly came together. The service is on standing up to bullies, supporting those who are different, etc. There's a short play in which I'm playing a role. Probably need to pin down Rev. Jill on what role I'm actually playing.

It's warming up here--50 today, I believe, 60s tomorrow. Hopefully the snow will be gone by the time it's rained this weekend. You can now get up my front stairs though there's still snow on them, and there's still foot high piles at the sides of the driveway--I had to lug the trashcan onto one since it's still a narrow passage to back through. I'm ready for it to be gone, the snow that is. OMG, right now the projected temps for next weekend (the 16th/17th) are in the 70s!

So, not surprisingly, Zero Hour was cancelled. :P

Behind on tv watching but there isn't much new in the next couple weeks, just shows here and there. Did watch Survivor last night and DooL. I'm finding it humorous that I'm rooting for EJ and Sami and that their mutual bloodthirstyness turned them on. *g* Nick needs to die so very badly. He's just evil. I feel sorry for Gabie, and, poor Will, just want to pet him.

I have a meeting after work today; I hope it's short so I can get home by 7:00 and have dinner. They're having soup and bread and stuff I can't eat.

Y'know, I don't mind sugar free jello pudding but the mousse is disgusting--it's rubbery! I tossed the rest.

Writing is going nowhere though I have some idea for the TW/Buffy BB involving vampires teaming up with the Alpha Pack. Just need to sit down and write it since it's due next Wednesday and I have a meeting all Sunday afternoon so that really only leaves Saturday. Now I've proven I can write 15K in a weekend, and I only need 10K for this one but it has to be finished, so that means I really have to limit it to 10K and not write 33K of insanity like the poly BB.

And I still have that Derek/Stiles fic crawling around in my brain. The first two scenes are done but I've gone over the sad sex scene so many times I'm kind of afraid that once I start writing it, it won't be nearly as good as it was in my head.

Well, boss could wander in here at any minute, so...

Great, can't change my userpic...Stupid LJ

Okay, after an error message and nearly losing all but the first three paragraphs above, hopefully this will post.

church, diet, march madness, basketball, writing, lj being stupid, choir, stupid weather, tv blather

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