i like the kitties

Mar 01, 2013 09:43

Not quite sure why we have kitties as our LJ banner thingie but they're cute.

There is white crap falling from the sky.

I'm very not happy about this.

My comics weren't ready yesterday and I waited for the guy in charge to show up for like ten minutes from his dinner break and gave up and pulled my own except they didn't have any extra copies of Batman Inc (surprise, surprise) so I have to remember to get that from my pull next week (along with Angel & Faith) and give the rest back to them. I waited until late Thursday afternoon. They should be ready Wednesday morning. I really miss my comic book store.

I'm halfway through the third issues of DCNU and sadly enjoying most of them (sadly because I still really miss the old storylines, the history I grew up with). One of the ones I don't really like is Batgirl (so many issues; I hate how Oracle is just gone, I miss Steph, I miss the real Birds) but it's tied into the other Bat books which I do like. *sigh* Surprisingly only of my favorites is Batwoman--I didn't really like the original run but it does seem to have changed very little of her history. I don't really like what they've done to Superboy but I'm intrigued by the book itself and I love Rose in anything. Really like Teen Titans--really, Tim is just perfect in any iteration. I need to start reading these faster or I'm never going to catch up. And never get to the five/six years of Xbooks.

Damn fanfic making me want to read it instead.

Duke lost, very happy. :)

Totally missed Joan Rivers' holocaust bad joke on Project Runway last night. I wasn't impressed by many of the outfits--the winner was very good though. Sadly the two dresses I liked most were highly rated but didn't have a chance to win because of the third in their team which just stunk. The judges liked them, too.

Due to napping and needing to write a fic due yesterday that was all I got watched. I did write my pic for 1000 fic. It's hard to write just 1000 words. I never went over by more than 25 and only under by one as a I edited. I got to 1001 and realized I had automatically put "end" on there which doesn't count. It's Peter/Stiles because Stiles insisted on butting in. It was supposed to be Peter/latemate I'm building my own mythology. I haven't done that since Buffy, not even with SPN. I did it a bit with DC but never anything as cohesive. Like, my history for Spike, my version of Angelus, my theories on sire/childe bonds. Those play through most of my Buffy fics. It's happening in TW, too, with my own theories on Peter, his mate, his child, the mate bond and claim, the Alpha Mate idea etc.

So, of course I concentrate on a recurring character that may or may not be evil. *sigh*

Sadly the fic would have fit perfectly for this week's fullmoon challenge but that has to be original and written solely for the prompt so I have to come up with something else tonight. I'm thinking about just doing a kind of continuation but stand alone from where the fic ends with Stiles lighting the candle and waiting for Peter to come to him.

My mom's email was hacked and then shut down on her. The password was changed. I'm believing more and more that her ISP saw suspicious activity and did it. Why would a hacker change the password and therefore alert the owner that they've been hacked? So mom called Knology this morning, got their automated menu, was told to put in her phone number, did, and it gave her an error message. No 'press 0 for operator' option. They really suck. Sunflower, you called them, you got an actual real person on the phone and just down the street! I told her to have dad email them or to go into their office and demand assistance. She's all 'I guess I'll never have email again' which is just not an attitude I can deal with over the phone. You demand they fix it or you tell them to go screw themselves and use your gmail account.

The City is looking into high speed internet. If we get it (and if it actually reaches my neighborhood) I'm getting it and dumping my now crappy cable company for Dish. Dish did get AMC back, right?

Meeting that was right in the middle of tomorrow's KU game (why did I agree to that? I know I checked the schedule!) has been pushed to next Thursday after work. I think I'm the only member of this committee who works--most of the meetings of the other branch of it are during the work day. It'd be nice.

So, really need to work on that due in less than two weeks TW/Buffy fic that I still have no clear idea on. I had more of a clear idea on the Gabriel BB which I dropped out of. Oh, I also signed up for the Perverse BB which is 5000k due in May. I haven't written really dirty, hardcore smut in a long time. It'll be interesting. It'll probably be Peter/Stiles, too. *sigh*

My tummy is still blerchy.

Well, I have two weeks of payment letters to do due to snow days and that's about thirty files so better get to it.

stupid technology, work, stupid weather, basketball, writing, tv blather

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