sucky hump day

Feb 14, 2013 09:33

Didn't go out with gals to dinner because of the stupid insulin shots. I've got to get confident in doing this especially if I'm still on them by the time of the cruise in August where all meals will be "out".

My friend Amy was in a car accident and injured her C1 & C2 enough to need a cervical collar and a night in the ICU for monitoring. Supposedly it's not serious and hopefully she can go home later today. She swerved to miss two dogs in the road, hit one anyway and hit a tree.

I have twenty five new accounts to process which is great but I had questions and the person I emailed yesterday still hasn't gotten back to me so I can't go any further. If I have to hole punch because I can't do these today, someone gets hit.

Duke came back at home and beat NC. Now I despise them both, but highly ranked Duke losing at home would have been sweet.

So...on to today which gets me one day closer to the three day weekend.

I don't mind Valentine's Day probably because being alone is one of my favorite things in the world. I really don't want a relationship, a man or woman, anything. I've pretty much determined I'm somewhere on the Asexual scale and certainly not on the romantic end. I'm okay with that. So, today I'm wearing the red blouse I wore on Sunday to sing and the black kicky skirt I got for mom & dad's vow renewal in September which was kind of snug then and so isn't now. I don't plan on doing anything special for the day--work, read fanfic, watch tv, the normal. Oh, and do laundry, exciting, but the day doesn't bother me. The florist I pass on the way to work was loading two cars already with deliveries. Mom said she'd drop off my gift this afternoon. The most I did was send my nephew a hot wheels card.

Just remembered, got to call in my prescription for needles. Lovely.

Okay, that's done. I prefer to do it at work with a real phone. Working through the phone order menu and pressing numbers on a cell phone is a major hassle.

Need to see if the movies I want to see this weekend are actually here. Need to stop somewhere and get some cards to send for Amy and a 70th bday next week for our choir director's hubby.

I watched the final Last Resort. They did wrap it up and it worked for me. I wonder how much they had to refilm the final episode, but, you know, if they're going to cancel shows, I prefer that they do give them plenty of time to end things rather than just leave us hanging.

Enjoyed SPN well enough. I didn't think about the implications of closing the gates to Hell might be outside of preventing demons from leaving. I'm not sure Dean is right. I mean, where will all the bad people's souls go?

Watched the last two Arrows--interesting twist on Slade and Deathstroke. Slade looks nothing like I'd have pictured him but he's handsome and rugged and tough and mean, so okay. :) And they mentioned his son Joe! Looking forward to Roy's arrival though I'll miss Colton on Teen Wolf. Also, does Ollie have a kid running around? *VBG* I think this show is doing an even better job than Smallville at taking comic book things and twisting them just enough, taking the Metahuman out, and making it all new and interesting. Though I still wish it was Star City, Dinah and Mia (middle name Dearden, really show?) I don't see the point in the first two at all and why make her Thea and yet give her Dearden a middle name and the nickname of Speedy?

Survivor...okay. Not a huge fan of the Fan v. Favorites format plus I don't remember half of the "favorites" so are they really?

Still really enjoying Swamp Thing. They've kept enough of the old to make me happy. I'm not thrilled with DC just erasing huge parts of storylines I loved in some of the books. I need to spend more time each day reading comics if I'm ever going to catch up. Tonight is Project Runway and I can read while keeping an eye on that.

Well here's hoping today is better than yesterday. :)

the suck, comic book blather, work, friends, tv blather

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