wasted holiday

Jan 22, 2013 11:09

Well, obviously I wrote nothing (or at least posted nothing). Early afternoon yesterday I came down with a fever and it lingered into the evening, wiping me out and making me just want to lay on the couch and watch tv and read fanfic. I think it's just a cold again. Blech. I really hope it's not a sinus infection. I can't afford to go to the doctor again. I found out that, even though I had the lab work done in December, my stupid doctor's office didn't send it to the insurance company until January so it goes against this year's deductible. Doctor's visits aren't covered but lab work is and now I have to pay like $200 for that plus the $82 doctor's visit. Really, how can poor people afford to get well?! It's highly likely that my grandmother Wilson had diabetes but she was dirt poor and probably never saw a doctor in her life.

I did code some more fic for my website. I'm now up to Fall of 2010. *sigh* Luckily I'm nowhere near as prolific as I was a dozen years ago when I was churning out four/five fics a week. Now I just need to upload them.

I'm feeling better coldwise today--no fever yet--but my tummy is blechy.

And it's bitterly cold out.

Lovely. Just lovely.

I did have a couple old fics that are now on A03 nominated for awards. I need to get back to loading fics there because obviously that's where people look for fics to read. It's pretty much the only place I look for fics to read. Even exchanges and big bangs are loading there these days.

I need to flesh out my dim 'heaven fading and crumbling' Gabriel BB and figure out what to do at all for the TW/Buffy crossover.

KU better play better tonight at KSU or...well, it'll be pathetic. We stunk at Texas, barely winning because, y'know, Texas (0-5 in Big 12 play as of last night). And we're ranked #3 in the country! We played so well in December--can we get back to that? I mean, I know conference play is more challenging but this is just sad.

I have a lot of work this week, gotta do the billing on Thursday, need to get a hold of our accountant re: end of year payroll tax crap which I refuse to do, but boss is gone a lot, too.

I thought The Following was really good. Naturally Fox will cancel it after three episodes.

I'm really looking forward to this conspiracy theory show in February on ABC. Love that kind of stuff. Kind of meh about most of the other new shows. White Collar returns tonight, though. :)

Maybe I'll have some energy and time to write something today. Wouldn't count on it, though. *sigh*

basketball as religion, work, healthcare is too damn expensive, writing, tv blather, stupid body

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