tgif and i have enough work to keep me from holepunching this afternoon!

Jan 11, 2013 13:38

Just love it when the phones and internet in the whole building just randomly stop working. Luckily it lasted only about twenty minutes.

Yesterday some guys replaced large parts of the furnaces down here which meant a lot of banging and tossing of metal bits therefore clanging, and then icky smells of soldering. I was getting a headache by the end of the day. Today much more peaceful.

Interesting, my personal webmail (which is run by the same crap company that runs our phones and internet here) isn't connecting. Usually emails come in there first and then to my phone but my phone (not on the wifi) has three new emails and I can't delete one from the webmail. So maybe it's more than just this building.

Well, I've managed two days in a row not to do the snowflake challenge. Wednesday was writing a ficlet or drabble and I was just not in the mood while at work and then had choir practice and forgot. Yesterday I didn't even check what it was during the day and then I fell asleep while reading comics and watching basketball, woke up at 12:30 this morning and went to bed.

It was a joy to watch North Carolina lose. :)

I'll try to do at least today's tonight when I'm at parents'.

Also, am nearly through the last couple months of DC before the reboot. I have a couple books that I have several months I need to read but I think I'm going to skip that for now and go to Flashpoint and then the reboot, as well as reading Fables, Fairest and Buffy for the last couple years. Then I'll get on the five years of Xbooks I'm behind. I really need to determine if I want to keep getting the fifteen or so books I get in DC. Reading even the last couple issues of Red Robin, Batgirl, Superboy, really made me sad (which is why I didn't read them when they came out). I don't like the idea of Barbara as Batgirl. I MISS Stephanie. I want Tim to be all bad ass as Red Robin and Superboy to be falling for Lori Luthor and living with Ma in Smallville. I know for sure a few of those things aren't happening in the reboot. I'm pretty sure I'll keep getting Swamp Thing (as it's far outside the superhero universe) and the two Legion books because, y'know, in the future and there have been tons of reboots over the forty years I've been reading Legion anyway, but not sure about anything else.

You know what's really driving this (well, besides that I'm spending money on stuff I'm not reading and determining if I want to keep getting said stuff?) I really want to read the massive Xmen/Avengers crossover from last summer. *g* I have it all sitting on my hearth, in order, just waiting for...y'know summer or next Christmas because it's going to take that long especially if I keep falling asleep after reading only three books. I know I'll be continuing to get all the Xbooks since I've been getting them continually since about 1980 when only The Uncanny Xmen existed and it cost thirty five cents...

Tomorrow is deornamenting the tree, reading comics, watching tv, watching basketball, coding fics for the website and trying not to 1) fall asleep and 2) read Teen Wolf fanfics all day. So, I'll be in my pjs all day. :)

Sunday is pretty much shot since after church I only have about an hour before I need to go to KC for the ordination of All Souls' minister and probably won't be back till seven or so. Last week was the first service at 11:00 and I can't do what I did then--sleep in until nearly 9:30. I felt like I wasted about two hours of the day. I try to get up around 7:00 on the weekends which is hilarious because it's 7:30 at the earliest on weekdays. Next weekend, though, is three day weekend for the win!

Also am seriously becoming addicted to Dance Moms. The dance instructor is a witch and a half but the show is just addictive. Also I've been watching Project Runway Allstars off and on, in repeats, and am getting back into that so I may give the upcoming "teams" season a try. Of course that just adds to all the tv I need to watch. *sigh*

Okay, boss gone to court, need to finish a fic I was reading before the 'net crashed.

comic book blather, stupid technology, basketball, tv blather

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