Jan 03, 2013 09:31
Every week or so a Batfic of mine here on an LJ comm gets a lovely spam comment, but, hey, it gives me a chance to go reread fics I barely remember writing. *snort*
There's a knot the size of Texas on the back of my right shoulder. Just lovely.
K-State's bowl game is tonight--looking forward to getting some writing done while watching it. I've gone through all the fandom stockings and jotted down ficlet ideas. I wrote quite a few last year so hoping to do the same this year.
After work today I get to go learn how to stab myself with needles and then go buy the equipment to do so (as well as other costly prescriptions :P ). Thank you to those who eased my fears of embolisms. Still hoping for the preloaded epistyle pens.
Due to my house facing north and basically getting no sun on the sidewalks, they're still snowy in places (packed down, scraped over by shovels). There was still ice from the freezing rain ten days before on the damn things. Never buy a north facing house with houses and trees across the street. Or, y'know, never buy a house in this town with a sidewalk. Actually, the damn sidewalk was put in when I was a teenager. Apparently you could start bitching to the city and getting people served with court summons (yeah, our courts have so much time for this) at 8:00 this morning. I don't expect I'll be in trouble because it's obvious the sidewalks were worked on and there are places they're bare. I still maintain that cleaning it down to the ice is much more dangerous to walkers than just leaving the damn things snow packed. We're told to put down sand in that case. Uh huh, I still have a scar on my knee from skidding down a sandy street twenty years ago and falling and bleeding all over a white skirt.
Comic book day--I didn't go last week because I had all of one book; only a few this week as it's pretending to be the end of the month and I never get many that last week. I really need to start reading them now that I've got them organized. I'm still missing about a dozen books from the last four years but they're either unavailable on eBay or from a couple comic book distributors or they're prohibitively expensive. The ones I did order came very quickly and were well packaged and one company quickly refunded my money when they discovered they didn't have an issue after all. But, first to get stories written.
At least the internet is working here at work today. Boss' laptop decided to stop going online while I was on staycation (he fiddled with it, trying to make it a hotspot through his iPhone) so he hired a guy who managed to knock us all off most of yesterday and when I finally got back one (and he was gone, of course) it was running really slowly--didn't help that LJ was frakked up, too. Some pages would load fast, others wouldn't load at all, it would kick me off the network at times. I had to leave early for my pedicure so I just stopped mucking with it. When I came in this morning the computer had rebooted and it had actually blue screened of death! First time I've had a Win7 computer do that. Anyway, internet speed is fine and dandy so far and several sites visited with no problems. *knock on wood* Which is good because I need to recruit readers for Sunday's service and email back and forth with my minister today and make an appointment to get my car serviced. And, y'know, read fanfic.
Also, since I tend to write now at google dox when I'm at work rather than carry around memory sticks, it's kind of hard to do that if I can't access it! I really want to work on that Derek/Stiles fic of evilness (or sadness or bleakness or whatever).
Last night was choir practice. The service this Sunday is about learning several hymns in the new hymnal and the choir is leading them. A couple are hard and in foreign languages. I wasn't feeling great--cold was acting up and my throat was scratchy from sinus drainage--so I ended up dropping an octave on one that was just hitting most of the notes right at the high barrier for me--it was making my throat even sorer. It was bitterly cold out but mom picked me up and her car has heated leather seats. Oh to be middle-class enough for heated seats!
Glad we didn't go over the fiscal cliff. Maybe it'll benefit me in that lower to middle class tax bracket? My percentage of social security payments went up (every employee in the country's did). Yay. :P I have this medicare tax to add to payroll but it seems to not kick in until an employee makes over $200K. Yeah...I'm so far away from that...And my boss doesn't make as much as I do in a year since he takes dividends and has other sources of income! I think I'll just ignore setting it up and, if it's necessary, our tax lady can do it in a week or so when she does all the annual payroll tax stuff. Probably should call her about that...
Okay, actually have work to do and fanfics to read...
stupid town,
comic book blather,
stupid taxes,
computer idiocy