cleaning sucks

Dec 24, 2012 12:42

and is the devil's work (see clever tag).

The Solstice service came off without a hitch--a miracle. Rehearsing a bit really helped. Nothing I wrote was really original but I did do a lengthy opening that included, at Tamara's suggestion (and in her words) briefly explaining why we call the directions and set a sacred space. I hope it added to the understanding of the service and rituals for the mostly clueless congregation. We had a reasonable crowd--about fifty people. Apparently last week, which I skipped, we had a hundred! Amazing.

Anyway, Tamara told a wonderful children's story, a Native American myth about Rainbow Crow traveling to the creator to ask that the snow and ice that had been given to Earth be taken back, and the creator gave her a flaming stick to melt some of it and return the sun to Earth and it blackened her feathers and took her voice. Tamara is a wonderful story teller and the kids didn't squirm or act up or anything--they were enthralled. We actually ran over a few minutes, probably due to that lengthy opening. The readings were well done, Melanie's solstice carol was beautiful, and Ashely and her six week old baby lit the candle at the end of the ritual and returned the light and life. That was a great suggestion of Heather's, even if the baby's a girl and not quite the representation of the Sun God. *g*

Got a lot of nice compliments on it.

While the Chiefs lost (I don't know what's worse--being completely hopeless like last week and not scoring at all, or keeping it close like this week and giving us hope) I wrote my Noel of Spike fic that has received lots of nice feedback. I'd hoped to write more but I just ran out of time. Preparing the Solstice service took a lot of time on Saturday night because I had to deal with several emails with our minister since an elderly member had just died and she wanted to say something and really wanted it in the sacred space but it had to be before Joys & Sorrows when someone else might have brought it up and we move that out of the sacred part of the service to the beginning along with the offering and announcements and yada yada. She finally agreed to when I wanted it--really, this is our service (the pagan group) and we can move stuff wherever we want it in the order of service--freedom of the pulpit and all that. I love our minister but sometimes she wants things her way. And I'm stubborn and want them mine. *g*

Last night was our family dinner--the traditional roast beast and rest of the English Sunday dinner. Parents had invited the usual couple but the elderly mother is in a nursing home and couldn't make it so they also invited a couple actually a few years younger than me, both history professors, and we had a lot of lively chats, even veering off to discuss the horribleness of Fifty Shades of Gray and the wonder that is Joss Whedon. *g* I love that I can talk pop culture with people my own age sometimes. Also they're staunch Democrats (even went to Obama's inauguration last time as they'd done so much work for him) so we had lots of great political discussions. Usually dinner wraps by about 9:30 but, while the other couple left around ten, this one stayed until well after 11:00. It was great, plus the food was really good. I didn't eat any roast beast, had salmon instead with the one non-meat eater, and had only one Yorkshire pudding and three roasted potatoes, but had four crackers with Stilton. Blood sugar was a bit high this morning and will be today and tomorrow too, as I'm not dieting, but I plan to eat really light tomorrow night and have cheerios on Wednesday morning before I go get my blood drawn.

We're not going to the Hobbit tomorrow after all because the only shows are at 11:30 or 3:10 and we'd be really pushed with presents and brunch to go to the first one and the parents would have to hang here for several hours for the second, so we'll go later in the week. Also, it may snow shower tomorrow.

So, I'm cleaning the house which, outside of the kitchen, isn't too messy. Need only to dust and vacuum the living room and stairs as I've kept it pretty picked up. I can't do the dining room till the last packages arrive which may mean after church since UPS probably won't get here till I'm about ready to leave as I have to stop and feed the cat I'm catsitting before heading to church around 6:00.

I also need to practice my solo with the youtube. I hope Melanie and I can run through it once tonight.

The maxi length brown skirt I bought last year is now way too long as it doesn't rise over my stomach as much. *sigh* I really love that skirt. I'm so damn short and even with the three inch heels I wore last night, it dragged the ground. The Nick & Nora pj pants I'm wearing keep sliding down. The gold watch my boss gave me because it's so small it fits no one's wrist is now turning around on mine. (Really, do I need to lose weight in my wrists?!) I really can't even wear the always too big Target watch as it just spins and spins and pushes up about two inches above where it should be.

I found some vintage jewelry I have no idea when I bought--a really pretty what may be mother of pearl brooch and clip earrings surrounded by greenery--that I wore yesterday. I'm not sure what I'm wearing tonight. I was trying to find this great red velvet shawl I have to wear to the Solstice service and I cannot find it anywhere but I found several pieces of jewelry tucked away.

I really need to clean my room. And get rid of a lot of clothes that are too big, including several of the tops mom gave me just two months ago which fit back then.

I'm hoping my satin circle skirt will fit comfortably tonight. A couple weeks ago when I tried it on, it buttoned but was a bit snug. If not, I'll wear the black lace skirt which fits just perfectly.

While a part of me still thinks the nurse screwed up my weighing five weeks ago and I couldn't possibly have lost 25 pounds, another part of me is looking forward to seeing what I weigh next Monday, so I'm going to try not to eat too badly this week even though I'm not going to diet. Dieting on vacation just sucks. But I just can't eat very much. I get stomach aches and gas when I do.

Still, the grocery had, after months of not having them, their cheese tamales and I got two for lunch today. I'm having a late lunch because I probably won't eat anything out at church unless there's some cheese or fruit. Since I'm helping with the service I'm sure I'll be busy running around. I will not drink anything. Several years ago I didn't eat anything and drank two glasses of wine and was so tipsy! Though I don't think there's booze tonight. Mom is mulling cider. I did have half a glass of sparkling wine last night--did not kill me or seem to make the pills not work--so I guess I can have the occasional drink despite the medication warnings. Dad poured me white wine for dinner and I gave it to mom. I'd told him over and over I was having one drink. Mom's right, he just doesn't listen and/or is becoming hard of hearing.

On the other hand, mom drank A LOT. She had a pre-dinner drink, the sparkling wine, my white wine and I don't know how many glasses of red wine. She's not much a drinker. Dad kept the red wine flowing--he opened two or three very old bottles and apparently they were very good (like mid 1980s).

Well, now that I've cooled off some from mopping the utility room floor (since the front steps are still too icy so parents will be coming through the garage and utility room), I should go clean the kitchen. :P

Obviously I'm not going to get to any Yuletide treats or madness or to my wishlists fics but I should have time tomorrow to write. Maybe even some tonight after the service.

If I don't get back here until tomorrow sometime, Happy Christmas to all who celebrate!

friends & family, diabetes, holiday, dieting, cleaning is the devil's work

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