i need to post more

Oct 23, 2012 09:54

(my Yuletide placeholder really doesn't count) so that people know I'm alive, for one.

Back on Weightwatchers completely, but, I'm rarely hungry and am not eating several of the snacks I used to due to the nausea.

Good thing?


Unfortunately the nausea also makes me want to just sit on the couch and watch tv and read TW fanfic and not clean my house. Last night I finally got the kitchen cleaned which I was planning to do since last Friday and did a load of laundry but I have a long way to go.

And my vampire big bang posts this Saturday and I need to write my IWRY fic before that and nursedarry and the kidlets arrive for next week since it's due on Halloween and we'll be doing Halloweeny stuff. I hope to finish editing the vampire bb tonight, maybe make the sex be, y'know, actual sex. *sigh*

I finally signed up for Yuletide last night. One of my requests was for pretty much the same thing I've asked for the last several years. Someday I will get that fic. *g* One was in a music fandom--and I offered one, too, as I had a lot of fun writing for one last year. I'll get the letter up soon.

Also signed up for Three Ships at the last moment and, naturally, I can't remember all that I asked for. That's a problem with these signups that have moved off LJ (AO3 doesn't count because you have access to it). I never remember to jot down what I've asked for.

And I signed up for the Gabriel BB with some idea of writing about Gabriel trying to rebuild a decaying Heaven. I wrote some ficlets of him finding Heaven falling a part a couple years ago. It's not due till Spring. I'm sure there will be many more holiday exchanges a'coming. I've signed up for Seasonal Spuffy (gah the name burns) and Dean/Cas. I'll do Clexmas again and fandom stocking, and we'll see what else rolls around. Maybe this year I'll actually write some Yuletide treats (as I say every year). I'm taking the week of Christmas off work again.

Stupid phone isn't working (work one--sometimes it just goes off; at least this time all the buttons went orange to tell me it wasn't on).

On Saturday, KU sucked and lost again, but this is no real surprise since it was Oklahoma at Oklahoma. Our coach needs to pick a QB and stick with it. This revolving QB every other play is ridiculous. So the good QB is only 5'10"; make it work (as Tim Gunn says).

Okay, now all the orange lights are flashing...

It did actually work earlier as I got a call around 9:00.

Yay, it's green now.

I'm behind a bit on tv--haven't watched American Horror Story, Walking Dead or Copper and last night I watched Chicago trounce Detroit while I did all those sign ups instead of catching up on Alphas and Gossip Girl.

I did watch SPN finally over the weekend and it didn't suck as badly as some people were saying. I still like Sam's hair...

Arrow got picked up for the full season; I am enjoying that, despite the need to change things for no apparent reason (like "Speedy" can't be a Mia instead of a Thea? and the aforementioned Starling City. Also, Laurel having a sister and being Laurel instead of Dinah...)

And Lost Resort continues to be my new fave, so, of course, it's on the bubble.

Sunday church was very good. "The War on Women" was the service theme. We had a soloist sing a slightly modified version of "Stand" by Idina Mendez and before the last verse our minister asked people to stand if they ex: knew a victim of domestic abuse or a survivor of breast cancer, and I cried, and then had to launch right into the hymn "We Are A Gentle Angry People", one of my favorite Holly Near songs, and I was all choked up.

The children's story was learning "We Are Dancing Sarah's Circle" and the differences between it and "Jacob's Ladder". Our minister did not mentioned the obvious ladder/circle sexual connotations to the kids that she did to me (I just love being a UU because, for one, sex is not a dirty secret). *g* I was the worship associate and when I got there on Sunday morning she said 'and you can sing an a cappella verse of Jacob's Ladder to show the differences, right? *g* Luckily I have absolutely no fear of singing at church anymore; also I dropped it down about six notes.

That afternoon I sped (literally, 75 is WAY TOO FAST) to the airport to pick up my parents' who were on time, though they'd been delayed out of London and had to be expedited through Dallas to make their connection. The Kansas City airport was actually busy. It's never busy. As it was only 4:30 and therefore 10:30 p.m. England time, dad drove home. I was still white knuckled from the drive over. Also, race traffic was beginning to let out at the Kansas Speedway which is right next to two roads we were on. I don't do well with merging traffic unless it's three lanes and I can park myself in the middle lane.

At work full time this week, but next week I have Wednesday and Thursday off so hopefully Dar and I can have some long gabfests. Supposed to be decent weather--50s and low 60s next week--after some horrendous 80s today and tomorrow. I have my AC and my fan back on!

My dad always warns me about deer when I leave their house and dusk had fallen by the time I left Sunday after chatting with them about their trip for an hour, and a stupid deer ran right across their driveway as I started down it! It's mating season.

Well, need to do the monthly billing today and boss could stroll in at any minute or several hours from now.

Oh, and, hey, didn't realize you could subscribe to fics on AO3 like on ff.net. I try to read only complete fics, but there are a couple that are just too good to wait.

Also the phone just went orange again.

i hate driving on the highway, church, state of me, writing, family, stupid weather, football, tv blather

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