I don't think this person knows what wincest really means or they were just using the term in the headline to get fans to click...
SPN TV Guide Article Although I am highly amused by the comment about the "tiny minority" supporting wincest.
WTF? Until Cas came along, pretty much the whole fandom was wincest! I bet there are more Sam/Dean fics out there than all the others combined.
In other fandom news, I finally watched the third to last episode of Stargate Universe. Yes, I do realize the show ended two years ago. I have a problem watching final eps of shows I love. I lost them off my dvr (it only seems to hold things for a year or so) but mom still has them so I stayed out at their place last night to watch it. I really did love this show. *sigh*
In doing so, though, I missed picking up my meds as the pharmacy closes at 6:00. I still prefer a small, locally owned pharmacy, though. I had enough pills for this morning and I just picked them up since they open at 8:00.
Finished my vampire bb though I need to edit the part I just wrote. Smut muse died. I threw some in there but it kind of jumps from first kiss to first orgasm. *sigh*
I have an idea for my IWRY story but, really, how many people want more Buffy/Angelus in hell fics? *sigh* Me and Margo are about it! Oh well, must go where the fickle muse takes me. I hope to get that started this afternoon. This weekend I desperately need to clean my house. Surgery really put me behind on that. So football ficcing Saturday will be football cleaning Saturday.
Also watched the Walking Dead last night. Love this show. As long as they don't kill Darryl. They kill him, I'm outtie.
And now that all my icons are back, there he is. :)
Cat sitting starting tomorrow night through Monday morning. It's on my way to work so really the only ones that are a hassle at all are Saturday. I'll go on Sunday on my way to church and then after I pick up my parents from the airport.
I don't remember if I mentioned the big bruise on the back of the hand they didn't stick a needle in. That arm had the larger surgical IV so I figured the blood just pooled. The bruise is gone but there are these two weird gray patches of skin that I figured were a part of the bruise but now I'm pretty sure they're not. I have no fucking clue...