nearly a gah moment this morn

Aug 31, 2012 10:00

Exciting start to the morning. I was on the phone and the other line rang and it showed the court (who always call me on Fridays to let me know about defendant appearances) so I let it go to voicemail. I checked it a few minutes later and it was one of the divisions and my boss was supposed to be at a hearing. I have the hearing in this case scheduled for three weeks away, not today! So I checked the court record and, yes, there was a hearing date for today but also one for the one in three weeks, so I called her and she had my boss on the phone and they were able to do it be tele-conference.


Since his son is getting married tomorrow he isn't planning to be in today, though he did just pop in for a set of keys and to tell me he wouldn't be in today.

So, hopefully when I get through my large stack of work I can work on some fics (and read fics and watch the final ep of two seasons ago Mad Men).

I'm still itchy. Mom and I figure it's an invisible hive stress reaction to being sick. I did sleep about five hours last night which is way better than Wednesday night when I slept maybe two hours.

Wednesday was very busy--I got my hair done, I still wasn't eating normally, and then, after work, I had a meeting at a coffee shop with my minister and the young woman I'm working with for the service on Generations/Synergy in two Sundays. I had a banana smoothie and a scone for dinner rather than coffee--got some sugar in me. We had a productive meeting and I raced to church to rehearse my solo, which is sounding good except the codas in the piece are insane and just wrong so we're kind of winging it in places and I can't get the ending right.

Then we had choir which saw Lisa and Hillarie back, yay! And then I got mcnuggets (fresh) and fries (not so fresh) from McDonalds and had my first diet coke in several days. My stomach was "okay". I fell asleep for about forty five minutes and woke up around 11:30 and decided to go to bed.

Where I tossed and turned and itched like crazy. At 12:30 I got a book and went downstairs to drink some water and read and scratch my hands until they were bright red. After finishing the book at 3:15, I went back to bed, even though I still wasn't very sleepy, and put benadryl spray on my hands. I'm not convinced I actually fell asleep until shortly after 6:00. I think this because usually when I doze and wake up, my stomach feels gross and every time I opened my eyes and looked at the alarm clock, my stomach was not gross. Next thing I knew my alarm clock was going off at 7:40.

I feared I'd be very tired yesterday but I wasn't, thankfully, since I had little work to do. I prepped a lot of the stuff for today, knowing I'd want to get through it fast with no boss around. I ran a few errands in the bloody heat (96) and had some leftover Chinese food for dinner but I could only eat about half my plate. Then I started watching the Chiefs and, when they sucked and went to half time, the Royals and fell asleep for nearly two hours. I still don't know if the Chiefs won (hah) because they were over by the time I woke up. The Royals did win, though, sweeping Detroit and saving us from having to endure that obnoxious closer of theirs.

I watched some tv, read some fanfic, and went to bed around 1:30 and slept pretty normally. I'm going to try to eat normal today--had cereal for breakfast--though I still think I'll avoid carbonation. Mom's making omelets for dinner and I'll have some juice instead of a diet coke.

My DVR preprograming goes fifteen days ahead and yesterday Touch popped up for the 14th! Real tv is starting. Which means I need to spend part of this three day weekend watching the rest of Touch and several other shows that I recorded this past week.

Mom and dad are still doing well healthwise (knock on wood). Thank god. I was really getting concerned that they'd have to cancel their trip to England at the end of September.

In other good news, nursedarry and kidlets will be here for a week at the end of October! We're going to trick or treat downtown. :)

It's supposed to rain today, thanks to Isaac. Start in an hour or two and keep going till tomorrow morning. Let's hope it actually does that. We're nearly twelve inches behind for the year. If the hem of my maxi skirt gets wet on the pavement, I don't care. I did leave my windows up all the way but put my sunscreen in the front window of the car because I don't totally buy it.

Randomly off the top of my head, my choir director thinks that clapping out rhythm is a way to learn it, but, one, she has terrible rhythm (love her dearly but she does) and, two, I don't learn that way. I was glad to find out that one of the best singers in our choir also doesn't learn rhythm that way. I have very good rhythm but I pick it up through the music.

In another random thing, the second half hour of the Futurama season finale was about the cutest/cleverest thing ever.

Okay, enough for today. Work to do, fic to read/write.

work, stupid weather, choir, stupid body

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