royals lost *sigh* football about to start *yay*

Aug 16, 2012 22:18

Vampire big bang off with two hours left of my night so, yay. It's over 8000 words and will easily reach 12000 since Lindsey STILL is in Hell, but at least I filled in a lot of the gaps and moved scenes around so they make more sense.

I also PMed the mod explaining that gmail sometimes doesn't like my ISP or vice versa and to PM me if they don't get the fic at their gmail account soon. After that near clusterfuck earlier in the year where the community account with a gmail NEVER got an email from me, yeah, I'm a bit paranoid.

Naturally boss came back earlier than expected this afternoon right when I was in the middle of typing a sentence being said by Xander and by the time I got back to it after dinner, I had no clue what he was supposed to be saying. *g*

I do find it amazingly easy to just fall back into writing these characters. I wrote them so much and pretty much exclusively for the first couple years I was in online fandom, that they became mine, well my own versions of them. There were a few I never could write--Anya being the biggest--but the others are just so easy and familiar.

While I'm looking forward to now having time to write my Teen Wolf fic I'm also kind of dreading writing new characters, especially Stiles--he is so unique--though I'm sure I can get his snark down. I can write snark.

Buffy snarks a lot in this fic. *g*

I did okay with Emma and Graham in Once Upon A Time (though it's quite possible they were Buffy and Angel), so I'm probably worrying too much.

In a slightly humorous moment, when I plugged in my memstick, it started playing SPN 5.22 in winmedia. Those in the know will realize the music that started playing.

Around then I missed a call from my mom. My phone was in the living room; I was two rooms away. The ring tone is the same as the song. I didn't hear the phone. *g*

Considering I heard it clearly an hour later and music was playing on my computer, I bet mom called just then.

She's doing okay today but she has to fast for a stupid blood test and then drive into town to stupid blood test in the morning without eating. A woman whose blood pressure was all of 106 over 66 today can't eat until mid-morning tomorrow and has to drive. Yeah, this could be a catastrophe. I should have told dad to drive her even though she's going from there (after eating in the car) to her hair appointment and he'd have to wait for her.

No boss at all tomorrow if I forgot to mention it. Unfortunately I not only have about eight payment letters and checks to write, I have about eight defaults to draft and three new evictions, plus he was drafting an argument to a motion to continue on our appeal hearing which I'll have to type up. The notice of the hearing date was sent out three weeks ago and we received the motion from the other party yesterday claiming he'd had something on his calendar for six months for the hearing date.

Yeah, if you really do, you don't wait three weeks to draft a three paragraph motion. You do it right away! He already got two continuances on filing his brief.

I've had a headache all day. Gonna go take some motrin and watch Teen Wolf/read Teen Wolf fanfic...

writing, big bang, family

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