Aug 03, 2012 10:54
Taking my last vacation day of the year (they start up again on August 30) because mom and I were supposed to go into KC to find outfits for the vow renewal after my dentist appointment.
Key words: supposed to.
A couple weeks ago she gave up on her doctor and went the homeopathic route (and, please, I don't want to hear about how it's all hocum, her doctor hasn't been able to help her with her stomach problems for years). They found that she was sensitive to 48 foods (I figure everyone is sensitive to something) from the not so unusual wheat/gluten to the weird garlic and black pepper. She's not lactose intolerant nor does she have problems with soy, but she can't have yeast or citrus, at least not yet. Anyway, they cut out all those foods and gave her a rotation diet for one month and then will start adding foods back in week by week. So, she started that and, because she was eating more fruit and veg (fiber) her having to go the bathroom problem kicked in.
The other tests came back a week later (this past Tuesday) and she basically has no flora in her system. They put her on a high dose of probiotics and some kind of drops and her stomach will take time to right itself, but right now it's bad. I figure it's because she's eating more fiber foods and her system is in shock anyway. So, we're hoping that by next Saturday she's well enough to go shopping. Right now she just has no energy and is wobbly because food is going straight through her.
The probable cause of her having no flora? Antibiotics. Looking back we realized that it became much worse after her sinus infection in the spring. Because she's allergic to the cillins, they put her on tetrocyclene. And this probably all really started when she had her knee replacement surgery several years ago. She never had this before that. Her doctor ran dozens of tests and never found anything.
Also, having no or little bacteria flora can cause kidney problems and mom's gone from having gout (with no symptoms) to a low level kidney disease in the last couple of years.
She's really hoping that she can add yeast back in because, even if she can never have wheat, she likes gluten free bread and she's a sandwich gal. If I could never have another piece of bread in my life, I'd be fine. I could also live on rice--which she's not sensitive to.
So, here's hoping her bacteria flora starts growing...
I could have gone into work--and probably should have considering the large pile I still have--but I'm here at my parents' "working" and then I'm going to go home and write before zipping through hours of taped Olympics.
I really, really dislike the nighttime packaged show on NBC. You know an American won a medal if they show the sport at all or a lot of it. I figured our one guy gymnast who struggled on the pommel horse was out of contention once we never saw him again.
Twenty four athletes make it to the All Around and, of the women, we saw five. Why can't they show the other women during the day?! I watched the day time shows on two channels yesterday (really, got through like eleven hours of coverage in four hours) and there was not one bit of gymnastics.
Are they trying to force everyone to watch live online? Believe me, if I wasn't working, that's what I'd be doing every day! Well, if it wouldn't freeze Firefox on me.
The only plus is that they've really cut down on the boring stories and interviews--most interviews are brief, right after the win. I still can skim through quickly because I skip over the big team sports until we get closer to the finals, just watching like the last couple points in a volleyball game for example.
Apparently NBC is all pissed that people, even athletes, are revealing scores and wins on Twitter and the like way before they air them. Well, hell, NBC did that themselves on tv! They interviewed the winner of the women's time trial in cycling in the afternoon and then showed the event in late night!
And while I understand NBC is airing this for Americans, I, and other Americans, might like to see an interview or even a win by someone from another country. During the day we sometimes do, but rarely in the packaged night time show.
Just not well done, NBC. And get your live online site working better! CBS can do it for the NCAA tournie!
As for work, yesterday was a bear. Started out peaceful enough. I diddled around online, read LJ and found AO3 fics to read over lunch, and then boss came in and the work started. I planned to do my normal Friday stuff--payment letters, deposits, defaults--but he kept throwing me files. It was all little stuff but I'd email someone and they'd get back to me right away and then I'd have to get an answer etc. I didn't even get to the payment letters until after 2:00. Never did get the filing done because other attorney needed copies for joint client and boss needed errata for his son's wedding and the phone kept ringing...
Also biggest ASS in the world came in late morning when, naturally, boss was gone, and wanted to pay his debt because he had a contempt of court hearing in the afternoon. Well, he wasn't happy about the interest being charged and how we figured it and the court costs--he wanted "invoices" from the court for the costs which I tried to explain we didn't have because we write checks when we file stuff (and I was NOT about to go find check stubs and make copies). He made me redo his whole sheet and, okay, I do this by hand and add days since last payment in my head to figure the interest and there were some minor discrepancies, but, hell, he was hovering and it's possible the original was right and the discrepancies were being made as he hovered. On the new sheet I wrote down an extra zero for the court costs and, even though I didn't add it in, he refused to let me make a correction on his copy and was taking it to the State Bar to complain and use it to show how we were making errors.
I was losing it by the time he finally left and I was shaky for about a half hour after that. I hate crap like this. He never yelled but he was making me uncomfortable. I should have just told him that I wasn't doing this and he could wait for boss, but I wanted him gone. Other attorney was in his office so I could have gone and gotten him.
Boss isn't worried about an ethics charge and said I shouldn't put up with that kind of stuff, which I know, but I don't mind being helpful. He first asked for a copy of the balance sheet and the judgment and I often send those through mail, so that wasn't a problem.
Anyway, I had a lowgrade headache for the rest of the very busy day and was glad to have a three day weekend.
Dad and I are definitely going to see Batman on Sunday. I'll be up and around anyway since I volunteered to read at church.
I'm behind on tv, mostly because when I have time to watch anything after the Olympics I've been rewatching Teen Wolf eps. Scott's a bit of a dumbass, isn't he. *g*
We actually had rain yesterday (well, overnight Thursday early morning). Thunder woke me a little after 4:00 and then again around 7:00 and it was still raining lightly when I went to work. I don't think it rained a lot, just enough to make it horribly humid when it got to the upper 90s. *sigh* More chances for rain tomorrow and slightly lower temps over the next week (90s instead of 100s). Still miserable and drought stricken.
Even my weeds aren't growing.
I got my mom addicted to Angry Birds and she is way better than me (or she just plays 24/7). She's completely finished the first two games! I'm still on the second screen on both of those, far away from winning.
Well, I probably should do some actual work...
stupid weather,