right wingers look away (are there any around here?)

Jun 08, 2012 20:39

Thank you non-partisan judges! My town is no longer gerrymandered down the middle into two different congressional districts! Maybe all redistricting should be taken out of the hands of the croniestic (made up a word) politicians and given over to the courts to be impartial.

On the state level, apparently we now have lots of counties with more than one incumbent and several with none. Heeeeeeeee My asshat of a legislator is now stuck running against and equally asshatish legislator. So, regardless, we get rid of one of the Tea Partiers and, hey, maybe a Dem can win!

I do worry for a state senator I actually know as her district now encompasses part of a much more conservative county, but hopefully there are still enough liberals here to keep her in the senate.

Our knob of a secretary of state had this to say: "This illustrates what happens in a judicially drawn map versus a legislatively drawn map," Kobach said. "The court showed very little deference to keeping incumbents in separate districts," he said.

Cry big tears. While I quite enjoy the Kansas Republican Party eating itself (as it grows more and more far right and tries to kill off the moderates in its own party) "deference" should have shit all to do with redistricting. Whose fault is it that Western Kansas (small towns, huge corporate farms) has very little people left? Not ours here in liberal NE Kansas. Kobach and the governor idiot wanted to put Lawrence with all of Western Kansas! Our interests are not at all similar. They wanted it purely to dilute even further any Democrat power (what little we have).

So, suck it!

In other news, my mom's stomach issues may have been solved by taking iron capsules every day. For nearly two weeks since she started she's been regular and has even eaten tiny bits of cheese and some veg and fruits she thought might be setting her off.

What anemia has to do with diarrhea I have no clue but her kidney specialist said her kidney disease shouldn't be the problem, which I thought it might be (toxins leaching out into the rest of her body).

At least I shouldn't suffer that as mom always, from childhood on, had kidney infections. I've never even had a UTI or yeast infection.

Anyway, hopefully she can start adding back in food since she was down to basically non dairy protein, bananas and lactaid free dairy products with very small amounts of gluten products.

Tomorrow is a six hour retreat for church. I always enjoy myself but I never want to give up half my weekend basically. And I still am not writing. Last night I watched some "Awake" and dozed off before watching half a certain movie again.

Maybe I need iron pills to give me some fucking energy. I just want to sleep most of the time.

And read Avengers fanfic. I pretty much will read anything, though not much Loki/Thor or Loki/any male other than evil nasty Loki/Clint because I do love the dubcon. I'm partial to Phil/Clint and Darcy/pretty much anyone. It's interesting that since the movie came out the number of Bruce/Tony fics have outnumbered the Steve/Tony ones.

Apparently the Pittsburgh Pirates are known as the Bucs. I don't get it. I mean, I do, because pirates, bucaneers, same thing, but they already have a nickname. I thought it was something new--so did other attorney who is a big baseball fan but you--but dad said they'd been called that forever.

Weird. We're not the Royals and like the Crowns or something.

And, anyway, the Bucs are a football team.

I need to come up with two possible service themes by tomorrow morning. I wish I could remember what I came up with last retreat that weren't used. I remember one, but not the other one or two.

The Royals are, of course, losing to the Bucs or whatever they're called. *sigh* But then I totally blame it on the moving of players to new positions in order to get our DH in the game. A couple runners got on because the person failing to catch the ball was new to the position. They weren't errors, they just weren't in the right place or seeing the ball the way the regular player would. Hopefully they're working the kinks on this out. The Bucs haven't scored in four innings.

And mom's battery is running out so...gotta go.

baseball, political rant, family

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