assemblage y'all

May 19, 2012 18:51

Well, the Avengers was just as good the second (whistles innocently) time around. Well, second time on the big screen. :) Amazing how many people left before even the first "after" scene! Do they know nothing about Marvel movies? Anyhoo, I figure the second "after" scene was filmed some other time because Clint has blond hair. The lady next to me had obviously not seen it as she was gasping and jerking and putting her hand to her mouth with every hit/shot/stab to our heroes. She seemed to enjoy it, though.

Same previews, same pre-show crap, so I brought a book.

I've read lots of mixed reactions to Dark Shadows--most of my friends didn't like it. Hopefully it'll be decent enough for mom and me tomorrow.

Now for Supernatural...

Yes, gush. This was really a very good season finale with wonderful cliffhangers. If the show hadn't been renewed I'd be pretty ticked about the cliffhangers.

Anyway, they played my song. :) Crowley double/triple crossed Dick. Boys made "dick" jokes. Cas was nuttier than a fruitcake, though I loved him making the boys healthy sandwiches. Loved the non fat creamer idea, just very clever.

The season really came together well. I was sad to see Bobby go, but then they showed Cas at the end of that scene and...well...angels have brought people back to life before.

I LOVED the ending. Dean and Cas in purgatory, there will be fic. Crowley will obviously be back next season with at least Kevin and maybe Meg. Cas will obviously be back, too.

I can't have been the only one that thought that Cas in purgatory was sane again, right? His whole speech pattern and stance changed. Also, I don't believe he abandoned Dean and I can't believe people actually think that. In my mind, he went to find somewhere safer or scope out what was coming for them. But, then, I think he's sane again, too, so that fits better with sanity.

Also, Dean forgave him. :)

So, did killing the head Levi kill them all or will next year find Sam a'hunting? I've seen a fic where he goes to Jody--I'd love that. He can't do this alone.

Also, purgatory, perfect time to bring back Gabriel, I'm just saying!

And, am I also the only one whose first thought when "righteous person" was mentioned thought of Dean? I have this gross idea for a fic where he cuts off a finger or something to get a bone since he's the righteous man...

So, loved it. Glad the network is giving the show more respect by moving it off Fridays, but still would prefer it following TVD on Thursdays.

It's October tomorrow, right?

I did not mow today because my allergies are still wonky and I didn't want to make them worse and basically end up bedridden tomorrow. My sinuses are blocked and my eye is dripping. *sigh* Did go to market and got dill. It's very windy, too--wouldn't help the allergies. Also, it may have rained about the time I'd have been mowing. Instead I watched a couple eps of Young Justice and napped for two hours.

The Royals are on Fox tonight for the world to see, I guess. Hopefully we can stop the current losing streak. Our center fielder just threw out a guy at home for the third out of the second, nice!

Okay, dinner, then gotta make banana mulberry bread for church and clean my house for mom to be here.

movie babble, baseball, tv babble

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