
May 17, 2012 11:36

Busy morning in that I discovered my artist never received my rough draft fic for one of my BBs and we only seem to be able to communicate through LJ as she's not getting my emails. Finally I resorted to loading the rough draft on google docs and hopefully I shared it correctly with her. Though I discovered that you an PM someone 10000 words at a time through LJ and the rough draft is just over that, so if worst comes to worst, I'll go that route.

I really need to finish the darn thing, too. It's due next Friday.


So, that's taken up most of my morning, plus entering data and balancing the last four months of one of my boss' checkbooks. He loaded all his accounts into Quicken on his laptop because he was going to start doing it himself...Uh huh, yeah. So far, not working out so well.

Oh well, I have the time and I can do it about ten times faster than him. Would have just been easier if I'd kept them on my own computer in Quickbooks, though.

He definitely needs a new laptop, though. It kept freezing on me. Once it finally got going, it was fine, but it took forever to get started.

The Royals lost in extra innings (though they should have won in nine as there was a bad call on what should have been the third out at the plate). :( I didn't get anything watched on my DVR because the game should have ended at 9:30 and went till about 11:15, so I erm watched part of the Avengers. I won't say how.

Still going to see it again on Saturday.

So, SPN is moving to Wednesday night after Arrow. *face palm* I had hopes it would return to Thursday after TVD, a more natural fit, but at least it's not on Friday anymore. I now only have two shows at 8:00 then, Fringe and Grimm.

Just talking returning shows--mostly--(and not including cable because their schedules are so weird), I have nothing on Tuesday night and the only time I have more than two shows at a time is Sunday at 7:00 with Simpsons, TAR and Once Upon A Time. I only have 9:00 shows on Monday (Castle and H50) and Wednesday (CSI). Wednesday night now seems to be the busiest with Survivor and Arrow at 7:00, Criminal Minds and SPN at 8:00 and CSI at 9:00. Naturally that's one of the two nights KU plays a lot of BB games on (Monday being the other, where I'll be in the kitchen for the second halves a lot). Also choir practice or church classes on Wednesday.

I haven't given much look over new shows. I figure I'll give Arrow and Beauty & the Beast, both on CW, a try, and might watch Vegas at 9:00 on Tuesday.

I'm glad CSINY is moving to 7:00 so no more conflict at 8:00 on Friday night! That four shows was a killer.

ETA Artist got email with link to google doc, so fingers crossed she can access it when she gets home to her computer.

Feeling better today--felt like crap and blew off choir yesterday. Stupid allergies. I don't think I've had a fever so I'm pretty sure it's not a sinus infection, just sinus problems. Right now my right eye is watering like crazy.

And people wonder why I don't like the outdoors...BECAUSE I'M ALLERGIC TO IT!

Royals play in a couple hours so I'm going to catch up on Gossip Girl tonight since the only two shows on tonight, I'm several eps behind on.

Just want to cuddle Will on DOOL. Yay for his dad (and yay for EJ? wow), but his mom is an idiot. Apparently she's not going to like that her mom knew before she did either.

Okay...outie for now.

stupid allergies, gah, big bang, tv blather

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