May 01, 2012 19:37
No, really, I had a raspberry yumberry yogurt today and wondered what it was and looked at the ingredients figuring it was a cutesy name for a couple of fruits and it was just yumberry, so I googled it.
Three innings and we're behind eight to nothing. *sigh* Let's just hope we don't lose the next ten games or so like the last time Hochever started a game this badly.
At least we're playing. Both Saturday's and yesterday's games were postponed due to rain.
I signed up for yet another big bang, though I took the mini (1000-5000 words) route. Once Upon A Time. I got bunny bit while I was looking over the schedule.
Y'know, maybe I should start writing some of these?
I still need to finish the SPN/Chuck bb, too.
Saturday night was our church auction. It was fun, though busy busy busy. I was co-in-charge of registration and we ran out of paddles so I kept having to run around trying to find someone to make more. Then I kept track of who won what and passed it on to my compatriot who entered it into the computer. Then I took money and added invoices. I was there from 4:30 to 9:00 and didn't get any of the supposedly really good French food. (Theme was A Night in Paris). I did drink half a glass of wine but it didn't give me a buzz which was a good thing.
I won a window with wooden dividers, in which each window is painted a Jayhawk, each different as the Jayhawk has changed over the years. Gave it to dad for Father's Day. Also won a spot at a lady's tea. All the meals/parties were sign up for a set price. I'm not sure this works. But, like last year, we're a work in progress. We used the computer to keep track last year for the first time and discovered that we really needed to be able to print receipts for people itemizing what they'd won. We did that this year and it was much smoother. On the other hand, people were encouraged to make up baskets--I made a comic book one and a couple movie ones--not realizing that most were for the raffle. So, of course people spent up to a $100 and then had it raffled off. A few people were not happy. Next year, limit of like $20 spent on raffle baskets and then other kinds can still go in the silent auction.
Anyway, fun but tiring.
I finally got past my block on watching Sean Bean get his head lopped off and watched the final two eps of last season and the first four of this one of GoT. Damn good show. Love Tyrion especially. Also Arya rocks. Having not read the books I don't know who half these new people are, but still fascinating show.
Tonight I'll be watching NCIS: LA for the first time due to crossover with Hawaii 5-O. Mom and dad are doing the reverse as they watch NCIS: LA but not H5O.
I've been spoiled for the Avengers thanks to it opening in pretty much the entire world BUT the US (WTF?) already. All I can say is, Joss pulls this kind of crap all the time and I don't buy it completely. More movies are in the works, after all. Though it does make for lots of great "fix it" fic.
I won't get to see it this weekend anyway as I don't want to stand in a long line on Saturday (plus I have to mow, which will probably render me allergy-ridden for hours/days) and I have a church meeting on Sunday afternoon.
I hate the new webmail interface from Knology (that bought Sunflower a couple years ago, made it suck, and have now sold it to some other sucky company). There's no way to smoothly move from one message to the next. You have to go back to the inbox then open the next message. Even worst, links aren't actually links! At the end of every day I copy and paste in the links of tabs I have open with fics and email them to myself. With the old interface it was simple--they turned into links. Now you have to go through like four steps to make it a link. But the biggest issue is that what used to be links in my email are now just words. So, I have to cut and paste them into an open tab! Really, is it 1995 again?!!! So stupidly clunky! And it's not like the coding doesn't exist to make this work because the old Sunflower webmail interface provided links and yahoo provides links and gmail provides links etc. etc. etc.
Well, probably should work...
tv blather,
internet stupidity