new icons. :)

Apr 24, 2012 09:56

After a couple years of same ol' same ol' (with a few holiday and big bang additions), new icons are up. Somehow I went up to 146 so I still have 20 to fill in. I'll do that tonight, leaving a couple spaces free for big bang icons.

Easily amused this morning--go to google, pull the zipper. *g*

I love it when they do this creative stuff.

I know I said I'd start the 100things challenge on Sunday or yesterday but then I got busy doing icons and when you have several thousand to go through and want to get a balance of fandoms, that can take awhile. I'm thinking about going with 100 fannish things I love from broad (ie Supernatural in general) to specific (ie James Marsters' cheekbones).

So, hope to get that started in the next few days.

Someone chose my SPN crossover bb for art, yay!

I've never had the same artist in any challenge/big bang. This person is new to me. :)

Need to scan stuff. At least I don't have to make the eighteen copies (with a yellow coversheet and we don't have yellow paper) of this appeal brief. UPS store is doing it. I suggested having it professionally done and mailing them off. I really didn't want to deal with it and possibly screw it up. First time we've done an appeal.

Have no clue why they need eighteen copies! What a waste of trees.

Yesterday in two separate window wells (we're in the daylight basement) bunnies got trapped at the same time. One is weird enough, but two?! Do bunnies have hive minds? Associate got them out by putting a box in there, leaving them alone, letting the get in the box. Silly wabbits. work.

fannish stuff, easily amused, work, big bang, silly animal tricks

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