Feb 09, 2012 12:07
Great, now I'm getting spam calls on my cell phone. Who did I give my number to that's now screwed me over and sold it? grrrrrrr Just got a blaring fog horn and a robo call for a trip to Nassau.
I really enjoyed The River. Of course I always like supernatural elements in shows and books. Plus the son is hot. You really have to pay attention, though, or you'll miss stuff. I had to rewind a couple times.
Also really liked this week's Castle. I was disappointed in Blair's decision on GG--but she does like martyring herself, so it's not that big of a surprise. I've now watched the first two eps of Lost Girl and I really like it. I mentioned that I had it on mute for the third ep last week and caught enough to figure that the girl with the weird eyes was Fae so I was surprised to find she was human. Anyway, interesting show and they don't bleep it!
KU played Baylor last night as follows: bad (0-7 start); good (7-7 catch up); bad (behind by 10 points for most of the rest of the first half with lots of stupid turnovers and players out of position); great (ahead by 3 at the half); super fantastico (suddenly up by 18 early in the second half); great, great, great (18-22 point lead for most of second half); sigh (three turnovers in a row, bad calls, and suddenly we're only 12 points ahead with three minutes left); happy joy (won by 14).
One of our problems has become very obvious. Lack of depth means that our starters play 30+ minutes and around the three minute remaining mark tire out. We were up by 8 against Missouri at that time and they won. Baylor simply couldn't overcome a 22 point deficit but did score 10 to bring it closer in the last three minutes.
And then there was the great joy of Duke storming back and beating NC at NC's home with the buzzer beater three. Yes, I hate Duke, too, but hate NC more and they were higher ranked and at home. :)
I saw the last ten minutes or so of that game after late night choir practice (choir is usually at 7:00 but since KU played at 6:00 we met at 8:30 for 45 minutes). Practiced "I Will Remember You". Once I got into it, I didn't suck as much, but the first verse tanked even after practicing it a dozen times during the day with youtube version. *sigh* It better come together on Sunday because we're not practicing before last minute run throughs.
Does anybody know why Ricky Martin is considered a hot stud?
Hope to see Woman in Black this Sunday after Spiritual Celebration Team meeting.
So incredibly happy with spoilers for SPN 7.17!!!!!!!!!
I really need to write something fictional...
things that annoy me,
tv blather