
Jan 26, 2012 09:50

People are stupid. Just read a comment from someone blaming the fact that we don't have a new SPN episode on March 2 on March Madness.

The tournie doesn't even start until the 13th and there IS a new SPN ep on the 16th when there will be a metric ton of bball games.

*rolls eyes*

I'm intrigued by this Rarewomen fic exchange, but was first baffled and then saddened by the fact that Drusilla is included on the Buffy fandom list.

Their criteria is no more than 500 fics with the character in a large role.

I've personally written at least 150 fics in which she plays a large role.

Of course they're not on AO3 or or anyplace anyone would look.

At first I was baffled but then I thought about it, and realized that back in the day tons of people wrote her, but who writes her now? Besides me.


"Touch" was amazing. A bit contrived, but the Unitarian in me was all "YES" to the interconnectedness of all people (one of our principles). The kid is adorable, Kiefer is wonderful, and, heck War made an appearance.

I foresee a problem with Fox, though. While I believe House should be in its final season and it probably is, there are three new shows on the network I don't want to go away--Touch, Alcatraz and Terra Nova. Right now they're all in the same frickin' time slot (TN in the fall, Alcatraz until mid March with two or three nights of two episodes and then Touch)! If Fringe is renewed (god please) and Bones (probably not an issue), where the hell is the third show going to go (if one replaces House)? God forbid they not be able to show American Idol five nights a week.

Maybe it's time for Fox to extend to three hours a night, at least on the weeknights.

I stopped at the new Dunkin Donuts because I got up too late for breakfast and had to be on that side of town to pick up our taxes, and got Kcups! Had totally forgotten about them. I drink DD coffee at home because you can buy it in the groceries, but the kkups for work are only sold at the DD stores. The owner recognized me. Is it bad when the owners of fast food joints recognize you? Even when you haven't been into one of their places in over a year?


Choir practice as kind of mundane. We're working on three pieces for February services that we've already done and two of them are hard, so nothing new to look at.

Missouri lost so we are now the premiere team in the Big 12. :)

No excitement here at work yet...

people are stupid, fox is stupid, tv blather

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