Dec 25, 2011 15:56
I usually say "happy holidays" but today is Christmas Day, and, despite it not being a religious holiday for me, I do celebrate it.
It really started last night. Christmas Eve service was just wonderful. We had about 120 people attend! I read the Nativity story as well as participated in the opening candle lighting. There were several readings about the nativity, several lovely songs, and we always end with lighting candles and singing "Silent Night".
Then I came home to watch the Merlin season finale and mop my kitchen floor.
I woke at 6:30 this morning, half hour before my alarm, and decided to just get up. Fixed the breakfast casserole, tidied the kitchen, stuffed the kitties' stockings (which they were really interested in since there was catnip) and waited for my parents' to arrive around 8:30.
First, Yuletide arrived and I got THREE full size stories! I have no idea which is the one assigned, but I'm so happy that two were chosen as treats. :) Two Terra Nova fics and one Neverwhere. I haven't had a chance to read them yet--hopefully soon, but I want to try to write a few treats first for Madness. I've never done that.
Anyway, Christmas was very successful. Everyone listened to me and went to my Amazon wishlist. I got about eight books--only two novels, the rest are mostly books I found in London and didn't buy. I got both Lost Houses of Scotland and Lost Houses of England as well as Lost London. I just love those kind of books.
My sister-in-law got me both the Adele cd and the Glee Warblers one. My nephew got me Deathly Hallows Part 2. I also got some vintage jewelry, Captain America, two purple rugs (I wondered what the two large boxes were but they didn't weigh anything so I was shocked they were rugs from Crate and Barrel), and the distressed gold painted wooden candlesticks I fell in love with at Pottery Barn.
Mom and dad seemed happy with their gifts. Mom got the William Sonoma pressure cooker from my sister-in-law which she wanted after said sister-in-law used it at Thanksgiving. I gave her a vintage 1960s cheese keeper in the shape of a large white mouse. I saw it downtown and snapped it right up (she collects mice stuff). I think she really loved the rose gold earrings dad got her. She's been wanting some for several years.
We each gave dad a bottle of wine and then he got a subscription for three from my brother, same as last year. Mom also got him a framed copy of the basketball rules--she didn't pay $4million like the person who lent them to KU did. *g*
Brunch was very successful--recipe posted last week. Even though I cut it in half (since only mom and I were eating it since dad won't eat eggs with cheese) I have two helpings left as it was very filling. I used mild bulk sausage as I don't like spicy sausage for breakfast. The gravy was very good too.
We just got back from Sherlock Holmes. It certainly held up to the original, something sequels often don't. There were some really funny moments--the horses for one--and many slashy ones, too. Really, you gotta think Ritchie was playing to the slashers at times! The fight on the train for one.
Of the previews I want to see Joyful Noise and whatever that rock musical based on a Broadway musical is, even though I can't stand Tom Cruise. Also, dad and I'll be going to see Battleship this summer and I'll be off to Batman for sure.
Tonight is Dr. Who, Leverage, Bears/Packers, and K-State/someone in Hawaii, all at the same time. *sigh* I moved the Leverage taping till tomorrow.
I think I'll brave Target in the morning (not at 7:00!) to get wrapping paper and a wreath box/bag. Mom really liked my new wreath. (One of the things I'm doing this week besides watching lots of bowl games and basketball and writing a ton of fics is figure out how to get pics from my camera to my computer as I have several pics of my holiday decor.) My whole fireplace decor is white, silver and black as I have black and white stockings (and matching tree skirt).
Raine's eyes have finally gone down--she loves catnip and played most of the morning. Elektra hid in the basement and, while up here now, has ignored the toys. About ten years ago, for four or five years in a row, Hallmark sold these stuffed, musical snowmen and I put one on the front of the dvr (away from the fan), thinking Elektra would either knock it on the floor or not get up there.
She's squeezed behind it. lolol
I have steak and baked potato for dinner and I'm going to attempt dad's fried rice this week before I start dieting next week. I'm also going to attempt to eat a Snicker's bar and my walnut bread and see if they give me an attack. If they don't, I'm going to lean heavier towards gall bladder and away from diverticulitis. They pretty much have the same damn symptoms.
Okay, off to look at the prompt list. :)
holiday decorating,
movie review