anti icon actually

Dec 20, 2011 02:01

We're supposed to get wintery mix early morning tomorrow. blech Yesterday it was in the 60s. Stupid weather.

But anything we get will melt by tomorrow afternoon as it's supposed to get above freezing by 11:00 a.m.

I reiterate, stupid weather. What's the point?

I'm typing this from my new computer at work. Hassle after hassle to get it set up starting last Friday. Why aren't desktops wireless?! Somehow I managed to blow up the wireless USB stick thingie that was on the old computer as it wouldn't work on the new. Also, new computers don't come with speakers! So off to Office Depot I went at 8:00 this morning.

At least those worked with no hassle except for the trying to plug it in behind the desk--I used a broom to drag the plug to the battery backup power strip.

Then I had the wonderful hassle of trying to get the printer to work. I'd just plugged it into the computer on Friday and it printed my deposit slips. It didn't want to print envelopes, so, duh, I had to load the software...

Four times, the final time after rebooting the computer which first had to load 68 Windows updates. Finally the computer recognized it had a printer attached. I think it was punishing me for printing without loading the software first.

Plug and Play my ass.

Our old envelope kept printing out cyrillic characters at the bottom. No clue. I hope this doesn't mean that all our old documents do that. They shouldn't. I've had no problems with older Word Perfect files opening on my computer in new Word Perfect so there should be no problem here, since we have the same OS and I loaded my own copy of Word Perfect.

At least things print quickly in google chrome now instead of hanging for two minutes and/or giving me the little spongbob squarepants of death. Ditto for printing from my accounting program--quick, quick!

Though I now have to put in the envelope first before hitting print.

Loving my 21 inch flat screen! Not sure I like the keyboard--it's close to a laptop keyboard.

Anyhoo...enough about that.

Weekend was unseasonably warm. Had a great brunch with GNO gang; held baby O, so adorable and good! Made appetizers with mom all afternoon. Dithered over reflection for Sunday's Solstice Service but didn't actually write anything.

The service, pulled together out of Heather and my butts at the last minute, was actually really good, mostly thanks to Tamara who did a wonderful children's story about Amatarasu (Japan's sun goddess) that had the kids dancing and yelling and shaking rattles and a peaceful, long meditation. Her golden altar was gorgeous as well. My reflection got a lot of praise--I spoke of a couple celebrations with my former's women's pagan circle, one in which I actually felt some mysterious power pass through me. Dad told me I had a transcendental moment. I think I surprised him. My best reflections always come off the top of my head with little or no research. (I started writing at 7:15 for a 9:30 service).

A Christmas Miracle happened. Unfortunately, I couldn't be glued to the tv for the Chiefs improbable win over the Packers (whom I still despise for basically taking Jim McMahon out of football like 25 years ago) because I was making up cookie, candy and fruit trays. Of course the tv announcers gave the Chiefs' defense no credit for the win; it was all due to Green Bay not playing up to par on offense. Whatever. Our interim coach was crying during the kneel downs! Probably because he pretty much put a big 'hire me as full time coach' stamp on his forehead.

The party went well, lots of good food. The crab rangoon dip was to die for. Rather than buy my normal Monday rangoons to go with fried rice for dinner I'm having the dip and pita crisps.

Last night I didn't watch Survivor but did catch up on a lot of other shows. I really, really, really love American Horror Story. I'm so glad I saw an ad for it like a week before it aired, purely by accident, or I would have missed this great, twisty show!

KU plays tonight right in the middle of tv watching, so I think I'll clean my kitchen during the first half as I have to watch it in the kitchen anyway as my living room dvr is taping Terra Nova and Fear Factor. I doubt we'll lose to Davidson just because I'm distracted by grease on the stove.

Tomorrow night is wrapping night! I can't believe Christmas is less than a week away. Wednesday night is non Christmas Eve dinner, Thursday we play at 10:00 on the west coast. Friday is frantically wrapping the rest of the presents, I'm sure. Saturday is cleaning the house and Christmas Eve service. I'm reading the nativity story.

At least I'm done baking. I made five different quick breads last week!

Plus I now have a huge stack of work since boss is back and I've fiddled with the computer and printer half the day. *sigh*

And I still have Yuletide to write by Thursday. *head desk*

At least the very fast internet works at work...

church, parties, holiday, computer idiocy, holiday baking

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