
Aug 31, 2011 21:07

OMG tired.

We moved our office yesterday. The movers arrived at 8:40 and finished around 12:40. Being as it was just across the street I migrated back and forth to do work at the old office and direct the distribution of stuff at the new.

Spent the afternoon unpacking and discovering the phones and internet didn't work. I finally got the wireless on my boss' laptop to work so I could email our landlord in Italy (he's not Italian, he just is on a, I don't know, whole summer vacay?).

I also couldn't get the wireless adaptor to work on my computer because, naturally, I couldn't find the software. Shouldn't everything be plug and play by now?!

So, this morning I stopped at Office Depot and bought a NEW wireless adaptor. I got to work and the phones still weren't working. I put the CD into my computer for the adaptor (plug and play, really people!) and it demanded I download the latest Windows update.

Do you see the problem here?

I couldn't get online yet it needed me to get online...

*head desk*

I stuck the adaptor thingie into one of the front USB ports and it downloaded the software off the CD...

*head desk*

It still wouldn't work.

Meanwhile I discovered that, yes, landlord had emailed my boss back (because the office email is on my computer which couldn't get online) and he didn't realize we were moving before the first so the phones weren't switched on.

*head desk*

He has to do all this configuring crap--VOIP phones, the wave of the future, yeah, gimme a regular old landline any day please--you stick it in a jack, you call the phone company, they switch it on... Anyway, he said the internet should be working through a wired connection.

Nope. Something seems to be wrong with all the jacks in the basement which may mean the phones won't work once he finally gets them switched to us until someone comes and fixes crap.

So, the other attorney spent the day at the old office working and answering our phone and running messages over. I have no clue how long we have AT&T before they turn us off but I'm really hoping the new phones work tomorrow. Our numbers won't work yet--they have to be "ported" and I didn't get that done until yesterday morning due to boss taking forever to sign the lease and then getting the instructions from landlord, and then finding that the link he sent was wrong, so had to get a new one...

*face palm*

But we have temporary numbers and I'll put on our answering machine at old office to call the receptionist upstairs and she'll transfer calls until our regular numbers get ported.

Around 1:00, after reading an actual magazine over lunch instead of fanfic (the horror!) I discovered that the front USB ports aren't the ones you're supposed to use for those adaptor thingies. I switched it to one of the four or five on the back (geez, I have a total of two on my laptop--I have six or seven on this old desktop!) and the wireless worked...


*head desk*

I was able to check our office email, send one email, check my own email (which I'd already done on my phone), open the calendar, but couldn't save anything on the calendar, couldn't get the WW tracker to open, and then by 3:00 the wireless was gone after coming and going a lot.

A part of our lease states we get wireless so they're going to have to get something to boost the signal from one flight up. Geez, are wireless routers all that pathetic? I really hope that when I finally get mine working in my basement here, I'll be able to use it on my laptop one flight up or, heavens above, up another flight to my bedroom!

*rolls eyes*

Technology is going to be our doom.

I did, at least, get everything unpacked. My desk is a mess because until we get the internet working, the tower is sitting on top of my desk backwards and all the cords are hanging off the front of my desk. I have a glass topped desk so have to get a cute mousepad because I never needed one at the old office and the smooth wood desk. I forgot to do that when I was OD, of course.

We did manage to get pretty much everything we needed into the much smaller space. Boss was tossing out a bunch of stuff from the 1990s. I refused to move a bunch of crap we haven't used in forever, if ever. We had nowhere to put supples (from two big closets with shelves) so he emptied his lateral file cabinet and I stuck everything in there. The small middle office/breakroom/file room is jammed with three lateral file cabinets, two regular ones, and my old "L" shaped desk at the end which is where the fridge and microwave and dishes etc. are sitting and pretty much only one person can fit in there at at time but it works. *g*

At least the coffee machine and new microwave worked so I could get food and drink.

I stupidly put my back to my boss' office so I don't know how much I can be goofing off online. I need to sit at his desk and see out the door and see what his view will be.

Yeah, I have such a Protestant work ethic. *snort*

I worked my butt off packing and unpacking in a total of three days!

I got there early enough today to snag the parking place to the right of the handicap spot which is rarely used so my car should be safe. The spaces are behind the church and a house (both office buildings owned by the same guy) backing onto a narrow alley. The turning radius is tight. The first time I've missed my dinky Yaris. They're also first come/first serve, but I shouldn't have a problem as the receptionist has a dedicated space and they're all attorneys in both office buildings, and it's my experience that they don't come in at 8:30.

After work I got the beginning of the new DCU. Haven't even looked at them. Just have no real desire to do so.

At choir practice tonight we rehearsed Holly Near's "I Ain't Afraid" for our 9/11 service. It is going to ROCK. I'm also doing a solo (one of three) in a tribute song written by a UU after 9/11, and we're singing at a community memorial service that afternoon. The local paper is going to print our minister's sermon from that morning which she's centering around the songs we're singing! Very exciting. Of course that means she actually has to have it written by Tuesday and not wait until the night before. *g*

I Ain't Afraid for anyone who wants Holly's version.

Now I'm going to go watch Storage Wars.

church, stupid technology, work, choir

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