new snow boots for the win

Jan 12, 2011 10:27

Brrrrr, bitterly cold again. According to the weather channel it's 3 degrees at 10:00 a.m. with the sun shining. I don't know how cold it got last night--negative 4 was projected and it was 4 when I went to bed. It's freeze your glasses to your face weather, though not as windy today. Thankfully it's supposed to be in the upper 20s tomorrow and upper 30s on Friday and Saturday so hopefully some of the snow will melt. I'll be happy to stop running the hot water in the kitchen sink 24/7.

I was so happy to see they hadn't plowed by the time I got home yesterday and then sometime between 5:00 and 7:15 they did but mom with the truck drove over the mound enough that I didn't have to shovel to get the car out this morning. :P Of course it turned a snow packed safe street into an ice rink. :P

Choir was good last night. I'm back to singing alto which makes me happy! We're singing "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" this Sunday for MLK and IJAM service. IJAM stands for Immigrant Justice Advocacy Movement of which we're a member and one of our members is heavily involved in it and will be giving the reflection. She's also involved in the "no more deaths" campaign and has gone to the border to distribute water to people crossing the deserts. She's an interesting person in that her parents were Cubans who made it across to Florida and, because they were Cubans and fleeing communism, were given citizenship.


I don't have to go to church tonight because no one signed up for my class, so I can finish shoveling when I get home and then take a hot shower and bundle up to watch the first conference game for KU with some hot soup. I've been on a real soup kick recently, though too lazy to make my own.

Comic book day today. Yesterday out front of the store was a five foot wide slush/ice rink. I hope it's gone so I can park there today.

I've got 1/7 of my fic done--well, 15000 words is the minimum and I'm going to try not to go too much over that as I have another 10000 word fic due a week later. Rough drafts, both, but I'm such a perfectionist I keep going back over and correcting stuff I've already written which just slows me down. I hope to write the first sex scene today. I'm not too busy at work though boss did make it in and is in court right now.

I watched the first two eps of season four Primeval. I put it off because Conor and Abby are my two least favorite characters and I miss the first cast--especially Steven, Cutter and even crazy Helen--but a year in the Cretaceous made Conor not quite as stupid (and really, really HOT) and I love his relationship with Abby, though, really, that was obvious. Two young people stuck together for a year? I like the new head guy and the tech girl and never minded Becker. Still, miss Steven and Cutter a lot. :(

I also watched the first episode of Young Justice and I'm always going to be bothered by the fact that it's Dick in Tim's costume. I really don't understand why it can't be Tim. Yeah, to people who don't read the comics Dick is Robin, but so what? For those viewers all the other characters will be new. It's the new Aqualad (I assume, looks like him and has the same powers), we have Superboy, I assume that's Bart as Kid Flash, Cissie. Except for Aqualad that is most of the comics Young Justice. Dick is Teen Titans (along with Speedy who I'm not sure why was in this except to be "angry young man"), Wally as KF, Garth as Aqualad etc. And, if it has to be Dick, why is in Tim's uniform and hacking computers like Tim?

He should be Tim. In my fanon he will be Tim.

And he'll be making out with Kon a lot. ;)

May it be so...

church, stupid town, stupid weather, choir, tv blather

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