Dec 26, 2010 11:51
I got up at six yesterday to clean the house. My parents arrived around nine and we opened presents and talked to my brother on the phone and made brunch. Due to the disappearance of HP from the local theater, they left around noon. I got online, got tired, lay down around 1:30, fell asleep.
I dozed off and on, constantly dreaming about this damn sermon I needed to write, until around 5:30. I got up, fixed dinner, ate, fell asleep on the couch, dozing until around 9:30 and sort of watching Empire Strikes Back with the sound turned off, though I was mouthing the lines.
I finally started writing at about 10:30 last night. *face palm* Finished a rough draft around 1:00 a.m., hated it and ignored it as I watched Merlin 3.7 and finally went to bed at 2:00. So I had to get up at 7:00 this morning to edit the damn thing.
Who'd have thought that angels and Unitarianism really don't mix.
*head desk*
I spoke about fictional angels (including SPN, of course), one reading was Gaiman, spoke on the thousands of sites you can enter your 'touched by an angel' story and the millions who obviously believe in their existence, touched on the historical/biblical element, and tried to tie it into 'if UUs don't believe in angels, how about we attribute the "help" they give to real people being nice'. Wrapped up with singing "Angels We Have Heard On High".
I thought it sucked but a lot of the oh twenty five people that were there gave me compliments. *shrug*
Next year Christmas Day is a Sunday; as we have a Christmas Eve service I'm going to suggest we skip it. I'll be opening presents.
By sleeping the day away I wrote no Yuletide treats. I did get a story, Joan of Arcadia, but haven't had time to read it. Looking forward to it. My recipient sent effusive praise which made me all giddy (especially since last years apparently dropped out and never even commented on the fic I wrote her).
So far have not received stories in two exchanges. Par for the course with me. One is still technically open until New Years. I need to go read my dean/cas exchange fic. I was so busy and was just opening fics in tabs so when the exchange closed I thought I hadn't received one. *face palm*
I do have a couple of stories that weren't secret that I'll be posting over on DW later today. Now it's time to go watch the Chiefs and read some fic while I do that.
I hope everyone had a happy holiday or non holiday! I got lots of wonderful gifties, including the new cute little clippy iPod Nano in pink from my brother and sister-in-law, a roasting pan from my parents, the new throw I wanted for the couch, three of the Walking Dead trade paperbacks, Lady Antebellum cd, a new wallet, some jewelry, and a box of white chocolate covered pretzels which I adore (if they're real white chocolate and not that vanilla bark or white yogurt stuff). For the first time ever I had less presents than my parents so we skipped me several times. That was due to the nano and my mother wrapping all the TPs in one box (I would have wrapped them separately *g*). I think mom is trying to kill dad because she gave him three separate things of candy! lolol He gave her several mice for her mouse cabinet.
Oh, and Santa brought me this weird snow shovel/plow with two handles and wheels that you push and the blade turns to the side and dumps the snow. Hopefully I'll never have to use it!
sleeping like the dead,