radio silence...

Nov 30, 2010 23:26

Wasn't really planned but I got busy and then I got sick.

Thanksgiving went well, despite the brioche not rising enough--my house is just too cold. I baked them anyway and they tasted really good but were a bit dense. All the food got done at the same time which, for me, was a Thanksgiving miracle, and I managed to catch the Rockettes kicking during the rinsing of the turkey. I was on the couch for Santa's arrival. Those are the two things I watch the parade for. *g*

I watched lots of college football and basketball over the long weekend. It used to be that only pro football was on Thanksgiving but now you have everything imaginable.

In the bitter cold, mom and I hit Penney's at 7:30 a.m. Friday and, surprise, surprise, no one was shopping in the men's big and tall section where I got dad's gifts. Lines went fast, too. Of the box stores, we hit Michaels and Bed, Bath & Beyond, before heading downtown (with a stop for mom's weekly hair appointment--at which I was the youngest person by far until a kid came in with his dad to wait for mom or grandma). Downtown was pretty dead until after lunch--instead of parking in the parking garage we actually moved the car three times and parked along the main street.

I got ideas for mom and things for holiday wish lists and we ate lunch at Zen Zero. Then it was back to box store land for World Market (which actually had been open at 7:00 so we could have gone then) and Pier 1 before heading home where I collapsed. I slept during most of the KU practice game against some small Texas team we blew out by like fifty points.

Saturday I decorated and watched KU end a miserable football season and KU continue a great basketball season. I got the tree up and the main rooms decorated. Still need to do the front bath, dining room and kitchen.

On Sunday I blew off church and then went to Harry Potter which was good but so obviously a filler movie. Severus was gorgeous. Lucius was decadently grungy and gorgeous. It may be our Christmas day movie if mom and dad get the rest watched. I know they've seen the first one. Mom was appreciative of Severus' potion speech but I know she would have liked Colin Firth to be in the series. Hell, pretty much every other British actor ever has been.

Then I went out to their house to work and watch the Chiefs and thought the high winds had stirred up something to bother my allergies as I was getting a lot of drainage, but, nope.

Cold hit Sunday night. blech. But, no fever, which is weird. I'm just really stuffed up and leaking from nose and eyes.

I suffered through work yesterday but today was better. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be on the upswing since I really need to write and it's hard to concentrate when my head his muzzy. The former law clerk went to court for me. We finally got our new checks today--ordered thirteen days ago--and I used one fifth of them for filing fees. That's fifty checks because for most things we have to pay $10 to the clerk just to process something and anytime anything needs to be served we have to pay $5 to the sheriff. It's ridiculous. And starting in January, for any documents being served outside of our county, we have to prepare and stamp an envelope for that county's sheriff! I know the state has no money but this nickle and dime stuff is ridiculous.

I did finish the nano shots for SPN challenge. Thirty ficlets of Gabriel in thirty days!

Tonight SGU majorly cliffhangered, Missouri lost to Georgetown and North Carolina lost (I assume) to Illinois.

Tomorrow night is choir practice. I have a solo on Sunday. Let's hope I have a voice!

And, now me being whiny. I have like 13 people wanting cards. I have a hundred cards! See earlier post today for link to poll. I'm not a crazy stalker, really!

sick, state of me, holiday shopping

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