Jul 04, 2008 14:20
I'm going to update about things I have done in the past weeks / months but never wrote about.
-Saw "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", or should I saw, "Geriatric Jones and the Kingdom of the Plastic-Looking Skull"? One reviewer on IMDB described the movie experience as "like watching your grandmother die, but with a catchy theme tune." I wouldn't go that far, as I found it entertaining for the most part, but it WAS a preposterous film. At the end, when a huge FLYING SAUCER shot up from underneath El Dorado, a few people sitting in front of us walked out, and they were entirely right to do so. For me, as soon as I saw the ALIEN CARCASS I knew the movie was beyond redemption. I half-expected to see Sean Connery's ghost riding the saucer at the end, or see an X-wing shoot it out of the sky with R2 bleeping in the back. I mean, why not? It seems that's how George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg roll these days.
-Saw "The Strangers" with my coworker, Megan. It was pretty good, and there were a number of creepy scenes that were done very well. However, it became repetitive, with the masked strangers rustling around and making noises, then running away, then coming back and making more noises, and so on. The two main characters were also so stupid that you got the feeling they deserved to die. Why they didn't just run like maniacs from the house while brandishing the shotgun was beyond me. The ending was lame as hell. Megan hid behind her bag for much of the movie.
-Saw "Get Smart". I was hoping this would be a lot funnier than it was, although Steve Carrell did a very good job, and I'm a big fan of The Rock (or Dwayne Johnson, beh), so he was fun to watch too. But many of the jokes were just very...simple and fell flat. The love story between the two agents was unnecessary and predictable. And there honestly wasn't much of a plot...the movie just started, and went, based on the premise of some generic bad guy who wants to blow things up simply because he is bad.
-I went over my coworker Danielle's house in Plympton to watch "The Orphanage" on DVD (which cost my $24, what the hell!!) Megan and Mary were there, too. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, and the loud, startling parts were not as intense on the small screen. Danielle lives in the middle of a forest, so it was kind of creepy once night fell. She also has 4 dogs and 2 cats. One of the beagles whizzed on the floor in excitement and Megan stepped in it. I used Colin's GPS to navigate myself to and from her house, but of course I had to practically fight with him to let me borrow it. I will never understand why he is so possessive of things that he doesn't even use.
-I accidentally dialed 911 on my home phone and this of course resulted in a cop being sent to my house. I blame this on work, because you have to dial 9 to call out, then typically 1, so I think I hit 9, 1, and then apparently 1 again when I was trying to call someone. The dispatcher's tone of voice told me that he didn't believe a word I said, and because I was flustered he probably thought someone was holding a gun to my head. The cop who showed up looked like a teenager and started walking away before I could even answer his question of "everything all right here?" Awkward.
-I've watched more Lost; I'm almost done with the 3rd season.
-I've been spending a lot of time searching for a new job, applying here and there and updating my resume on Monster. I don't want to do customer service anymore, and the longer I stay at VCA, the more customer service experience I gain, which I don't need. I barely even know what I want to do with my life anymore, which is a huge mental crisis I've been going through, but I at least want to aim right now for something in the lines of editing, writing, translating, or something.
-A woman called and said she had taken her cat to the groomer's, and the groomer found a wound and suggested a vet take a look at it. She was very cavalier about the whole thing, so I expected the cat to have some old, small wound on its back that just needed some cleaning or something. Yeah, that cat had maggots, and it reeked of infected / rotting flesh. I am astounded at how this woman could not have noticed. Even if you couldn't see the maggoty wound, you could smell it from anywhere. She ended up putting the cat to sleep.
-A guy brought in his bulldog DOA. The dog had died because he had left him in the car out in the blazing sun for 2 hours while he went to drink at a bar. The dog had tried to dig his way out of the back seats, and the tech who went out to get the body said there was vomit and feces everywhere. Not long after, an Animal Rescue League officer showed up, referring to the owner as an "SOB". They planned to do a necropsy and press charges against the guy. But I guess they decided not to, because the owner's daughter called and told me so, and they had the body cremated (I had to go stick my head in the corpse freezer for this, ugh). I never talked to the owner, only the daughter, who kept saying he was "too distraught" to deal with any of it. Yeah, well, he couldn't have been as distraught as that poor dog was as he tried to escape from having his brain melted. Everyone at VCA wanted to lynch that guy and nobody even considered entertaining a thought that he wasn't a selfish, evil bastard, or that he might have made a mistake that will haunt his life. As David said, "criminal negligence is criminal negligence; you can't manslaughter a dog." All I have to say is some people don't deserve to have pets...or kids, for that matter.
-Last Saturday, I got stuck on the phone at around 11:00pm with a crazy lesbian who mentioned several times that she is disabled and in horrible pain. Her problem was that her "loving partner" (she said this very sarcastically) has a cat that her cat no longer gets along with. So now she wants to throw her partner and her cat out. As she was talking, she would stop to send a nasty remark towards her "wonderful partner" who "loves me so much she can't even hold onto my cat for 2 minutes", saying "don't you mock me while I'm on the phone, don't you shake your head! Why don't you just pack your bags and get out!" (to which the partner would say, "fine I will!") Then she rambled about how she loves her cat like another human, and said she had not had such a fulfilling relationship since her "marriage to a MAN" (emphasized towards her current partner) years ago, to which the partner derisively laughed. I told her this was something that they needed to work out, and that as an animal hospital, we couldn't provide much help for cats who are perfectly fine but just don't like each other for personality reasons. She was like, "yeah right, no way is my partner going to listen to me!" Anytime I suggested something, she just went back to her argument that she is disabled and apparently incapable of doing anything ("I can't even bathe myself!") So finally I just told her to wait until tomorrow when animal shelters and her regular vet are open, and talk to them. She at last agreed and I feel sorry for whoever she called the next day.
Today is the 4th of July, but I won't be doing anything exciting, because I have to work 5-12. Siiiigh. It's just going to be me and a fairly new employee, Erin, so I hope to God it's not insane tonight.