Today I have pulled the fifth card in the
Big Bad Wolf spread. The Big Bad Wolf symbolizes a threat in this spread. The card of today shows how I can minimize the threat the Big Bad Wolf is to me.
The card that I have drawn as an answer to that is Ace of Pentacles from the Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights. A woman sits on the grass, a castle is behind her. She seems to tend the grass and the flowers to make them grow.
I could not have received a better card than Ace of Pentacles to diminish the threat, because it was water which was the underlying reason for the threat. The deep water of the see can signify fears and anxiety, all monsters of the sea. Earth is stable and reliable, a good remedy against the deep and moving water. ‘Doing’ things, use my talents, focusing on the work I have to do, and focusing on other practical things is one of my coping strategies. It diverts my attention and it gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Sometimes I use it too much, that is a pitfall, but in itself it is good strategy. It is nice to have pulled an Ace, because Aces carry all the qualities of their suit in them. Thus my Ace of Pentacles carries all the qualities of the whole suit of earth. In a way I have pulled all the qualities of the earth cards.
I have used the strategy of practicality last week in response to first card in the Big Bad Wolf Spread, the card that showed my fear. “Keeping it practical” I called the post that I wrote about it. I told there about a dream which showed me to use this strategy. I had another dream that same night which I did not tell then; it had the same theme. That dream was about the Ace of Pentacles from the RWS. The pentacle on that card hovers in the air. I desperately tried to get it on the ground and I did not succeed. I felt back then that this dream underscored my need of grounding, doing practical things. It showed me again that night the importance of this coping strategy. The card of today confirms this.