I have got a painful, thick and blue middle-finger. It was pressed between a doorknob and a wall. Last week was demanding for me. I made two visits of more than a day to my mother in order to help her (broken her wrist, bad back due to a fall). On one of those visits I took a sick child with me. This was all too much for me, I lost my wits, and pressed my finger.
In my last entry I talked about a message. I should receive it yesterday, to be delivered to the Page of Ghosts (Page of Cups.) Here is the card a second time, so you can see there is a letter lying in there, down to the right.
The painful finger was not the message in this letter. I knew already that I was out of balance because of the demanding week. No, I have gotten another message.
The day before yesterday a student called me, just before I had to take the train to my mother. She asked me something and then she told me to me how nice it was that the group in which she is in stays the same already for a long time. "That is great, you know, you can see people change, me as well!" she said enthusiastic. I agreed, but I just had to ran away to my train after her call. It did not sink in.
I suddenly remembered her words while walking from the bus through a sunny Oegstgeest to a party of my mother in law. They came to me when I saw some swans flying up. In my private relations I often find it hard to cope with that there is real suffering, but no change. Never. But, that change ís possible, that was the message for me. It is a real important message and one I needed to hear very much!