In my last entry I planned to pull a card alongside a journal-entry by Nathaniel Hawthorne about a stormy day, because the weather today in Holland is just like he so beautifully describes. I have mentioned, in that last entry, questions to pull cards on: about the storm, the rain -described by Hawthorne as angry tears- and about the sunny spells which were also there.
The storm of today is well known to me, I know what that is about in my life, and yes, there were tears as well, I worked on my Inner Child course, the one that will start in January. I have developed a spread today for the first lesson and of course, I laid the cards for myself. Tears followed. So, the tears of today are known to me as well. Therefore I ask my question about the ‘very brightest of sunshine’. What is the message of this bright sunshine for me?
I have pulled the Grail King from the Arthurian Tarot.
The figure on the card is derived from the Guardian of the Animals who appears in
The Lady of the Fountain, one of the Arthurian legends. The Guardian orders Owan to cast water from a hanging bowl onto a green stone (we see the bowl and the green stone on the card). This action provokes changes in the weather and in the season, and causes that Owain reaches his goal much quicker than expected. His deed opened, so to say, ‘new things to manifest’.
The task of the Grail King is to give form to the content of the grail: he enables to manifest the grail in a form (a cauldron, a cup, a stone) so that its riches can be enjoyed and new things can happen.
I have tried a new approach in my tarot-study today. I worked on the Inner Child Course in Aid, the one which starts in January 2007. Normally me (and my students) work with many cards. Now, I have worked with as little cards as possible and tried to take it slowly, in order to honor each card that I pulled. To make that happen I made sketches about the cards, or let figures on them speak, which I wrote down of course. It felt good to do that this way on the subject of the inner child. I’m making a scrap-book about the Inner Child issues that contains all my creative work from the course in making. I am considering to make a book with the students as well. This approach is new to me, a ‘new manifestation’.
To sit down and plan this course is a ‘change of weather’ too. I went from the eating and eating and eating caterpillar that sat on the card I pulled yesterday (entry: October 1), to the next stadium of the metamorphose in becoming a butterfly, that of the chrysalis. I was eating and eating my inner child book like a caterpillar. I am not finished, but I stopped with that. It is nice to be able to ‘ground’ the course right now as I did today. It makes my tasks lighter (see entry: September 30 about 10 of Wands ).
The message of the sunny spell for me today is: a new approach and a change of weather! Quite gladdening!