Today Sukkot starts here in Holland and I change my blog in a virtual Sukkah for 7 days. A Sukkah is a primitive booth. A sukkah brings into memory the booths in which the people of Israel lived during the days of their wanderings in the desert in search for the promised land.
It is tradition to invite people in the Sukkah to share a meal. Also biblical forefathers or -mothers are invited to be present. Until now I invited 7 biblical foremothers, this year I invite 7 bibilical forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron en David. Each father has a special virtue. Today I ask Abraham to share his wisdom with me. The virtue that belongs to Abram is loving and kindness (Chesed on the Kabalistic Tree of Life). A picture of Abraham hangs on the wall. I ask Abraham a teaching for my heart.
I received a card called Place of Trees (Wands) from the Shining Woman Tarot. The ‘Places’ in this deck are starting points to explore a suit. They belong to what traditionally is called Court Cards.
The card represents a ‘sacred grove in the heart’ in which we feel as flowering trees, whole and at peace. The card depicts the Garden of Eden before the fall, with the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge in which the Goddess gave her worshippers the fruit or flower of eternal life.
Abraham, whose virtue is loving and kindness, urges me to feel safe and secure in my heart, to feel at whole and at peace. When I feel needy and vulnerable, I am not kind but aggressive and defensive. Thus, feeling safe, secure and whole in my heart is a prerequisite for loving and kindness.