Gospel of Thomas, Logion 2, Still Troubled

May 02, 2008 23:19

I continue my interpretation of the card I pulled inspired by logion 2 of the Gospel of Thomas. Jesus  sais in that logion: “Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.” My question was, why  I will be troubled when I find the interpretation of the words of the Gospel of Thomas. My card was Six of Pentacles from the Spiral Tarot, a card of equality.

The problem I encountered in interpreting the card was that I do not allow myself to distance myself from equality. In the gospel of Thomas there is difference between people who understand the words and who do not. Yet, when I look at the image of the card, I dislike the image in which all are equal and I disagree with it. I like and value the woman with her simple and delicate dress much higher than the king and the priest.

I  have encountered this conflict now, I cannot get rid of it. But conflict or not, I take the image of the woman with me while reading the gospel, as the pureness and the soul  I am searching for.   

gospel of thomas, six of pentacles, spiral tarot

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